The continent Lemotion is centered inside a huge maelstorm and inhabitated from a lot different people. During the Split this continent was devided from the rest of the world and is now stuck in a huge maelstrom which inhabts the people of Lemotion to connect with the rest of the world.
Lemotion is currently devided into six major kingdoms:
There are also five lesser kingdoms which are mostly contested and the kings and queens are changing regulary.
Since the Split there has not been one year of total peace on Lemotion. There has always been a war, a raid, an intrigue, an assination or some other horrible act. These conflicts describe the era of the Never Wars
A diverse place from fertile lands over rocky tundra, vast swamps, dark forests and high mountains to the hot desert.
The length of Lemotion is about 4000-5000km and has therefore about the size of the USA.
The continent Lemotion is centered inside a huge maelstorm and inhabitated from a lot different people.