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Half-beasts are almost like Human. However, in their blood in the feral connection to something more. This connection is often to a strong feral creature like a wolf, lion, serpent, ox or eagle. This connection was inplanted into the human by the Pre-Spectrals to create a link between Human  and Nature with the idea to take the best of both worlds. The generalizablity of Human  and the feral strength of nature.   Through the ages, this connections runs stronger or lesser through the blood of all humans. In most people the connection is too weak to be awakened however if the connection is strong enough and most often in combination with a time of pressure or need, the feral connection can be awakened. This awakening is accompiend by physical transformation of body parts. At this point the former human can try to keep the balance between both sides or let the feral side take over. This feral side leads to further strength and prowess but comes at the cost of degenerting intelligence.   The transformation is often described in 6 stages: 0. Unawakend - No changes 1. Awakened - First stage of awaking with characteristic changes of the body but with loss of intelligence 2. Ascended - Additional body parts can be transformed at will, but the person become more emotional either positvely or negatively 3. Hybrid - The stage of equilbrium betwen humanity and beast, the body can be tranformed totally at will but key charateristics always remain, in situation of pain, pressure and anxiety the person can easily loose control 4. Beastler - The full tranformation is permanent but memories and desires are still human, the person is easily ruled by emotions and has to concentrate to withstand this emotions 5. Overtaken - The beast takes over control, the personality is lost of the former human and is replaced by feral instincts.
A feral half beast which is mostly leaning into the feral side of him
A female half beast which is still in touch with her human and feral side. Her companion in the background has given into the feral side.
Genetic Descendants

Articles under Halfbeasts


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