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Felions are Halfbeasts mixed with cats or in earlier times lions. They are most prominetly known due to experiments of the Guardians after the Shattering in Imladon. The exact details of the experiments and the developments are unknown. A common tale of the Guardians that an ancient sorcerer create the Felions by trying to make his domestic house cat more intelligent and more human like. The desire behind his research to talk his beloved animals and that he wanted to honor of his diseased wife.   They were used for many years as servants by many Guardians until they revolted and settled near Imladon in their own small community.   Spoiler explanation
The Guardians noticed that animals especially cats where not much effected by the haze. Thus, they tried to combine cats with humans to make the city more easily inhablite. What started as a well intended research project led to cruel experiments on children governed by the desire of the Guardians to help many and that they would risk the life of fewes to achieve this. They new that the blood of Halfbeasts could more easily be awakened in a time of mental stress. For this reason, they searched for surving children in the city. They assumend that children which survived the shattering would be more likely to contain feral blood and were easier to control. They broke the will and mind of the children to free the inner feral instincts. They used a combination of violence and folter and infusions of cat blood to achieve this goal. Over time they completed multiple transformations. They were fastly adopted as servants due to their inherint domesticality. A cover story was divised and most people in the organization do not know anymore the grim truth.  
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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