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Halflings are a small, diminutive race of humanoid beings commonly found in secluded areas throughout Lapcars . Known for their stocky build and jovial nature, Halflings are a resilient people who value friendship, good food, and strong drink above all else. One unique physical characteristic of Halflings is their complete lack of head hair. Unlike other humanoid races, Halflings are born without any hair on their heads, and remain completely bald throughout their lives. While some Halflings may grow wispy mustaches or beards, they are unable to grow any hair on their scalps.   Despite their lack of hair, Halflings are known for their quick wits and sharp minds. They possess a natural curiosity about the world around them, and often take an interest in magic and other arcane arts. They are skilled at navigating tight spaces and have an innate understanding of the natural world, making them excellent hunters and thieves.   Halflings are known for their love of socializing, but they do not extend this hospitality to just anyone. Instead, they reserve their kindness and generosity for those who have earned it. In Halfling society, those who have earned the trust and respect of the community are known as "half-friends." To become a half-friend, one must perform an important deed or act of kindness for a Halfling, or for the community as a whole. This might involve helping to defend a village from marauding bandits, or sharing valuable knowledge or resources with a Halfling in need.   Once someone has earned the status of half-friend, they are considered to be a part of the Halfling community, and are treated with the utmost respect and kindness. They are invited to Halfling celebrations and gatherings, and are often given gifts or tokens of appreciation as a sign of their status. Half-friends are also trusted to keep the secrets of the Halfling community, and are often relied upon for advice or support in times of need.   It should be noted, however, that the status of half-friend is not easily earned. Halflings are cautious and reserved when it comes to outsiders, and only those who have proven their worth are welcomed into the inner circle of the community. Nonetheless, for those who are able to earn the trust and respect of the Halflings, the rewards of being a half-friend are great indeed.   They life mostly in secluded areas in Lapcars .

Basic Information


The reason for Halflings being born without any hair on their heads is steeped in legend and myth, with different stories being told across the different regions where Halflings are found. Some believe that the lack of hair is a natural adaptation that developed over time, allowing Halflings to better survive in their rugged, forested environments. Others suggest that it is related to a long-forgotten magical experiment that altered the biology of Halflings and caused them to lose their hair.   One popular story tells of a powerful wizard who sought to create a race of beings that were resistant to the influence of dark magic. He experimented with various magical energies and incantations, but his experiments had unexpected results. The beings he created were short and stocky, with no hair on their heads, but they possessed an innate resistance to the corrupting influence of magic.   Whether the lack of hair is a natural adaptation or the result of ancient magical experiments, Halflings have learned to embrace their unique appearance and use it to their advantage. They are known for their sharp minds and quick wits, and are considered some of the most cunning thieves in all of Ordrul .     Spoiler explanation
Ortrac was a powerful Halfling wizard who was known throughout the land for his magical abilities. He was a master of transformation magic, and he had used his powers to alter many creatures over the years. But his greatest feat of magic was the transformation of all halflings.   Ortrac had always been a bit of a rogue, using his magic to manipulate and control others. He was driven by his insatiable desire for power and traded deeds and secrets. His vision was that everyone would be indepted to him at one point so that he could get anything he disired.   But Ortrac had a secret side himself. He was a man driven by his love and lust for others, and this often led him down a dangerous path. He had used his magic to enchant many a lover over the years, but none had ever been able to satisfy him for long. He thought if everyone was dependent on him he might find a way to satisfy his most desires. It was this obsession with this dream that led Ortrac to alter the halflings in the first place. He tried to bestow on himself the everlasting cuteness of a newborn. He reasoned that this cuteness would allow him manipulate the people around even more and let him reach his cause more easily.   Despite his best efforts, Ortrac was unable to control the spell he tried to cast. He basically tried to generate infinite youth. However, he lost his hair and it would never regrow after his failed experiments. The unknown sideeffect was that his changes were encoded in his genetics and thus all his offspring would carry the same defect. Over the years the effect spread and could not be reversed until the last halfling with hair died.


Halflings have a keen sense of intuition and are able to read people well, which helps them to identify potential half-friends. They are also skilled at observing a person's behavior and actions over time, and use this information to determine whether someone is worthy of their trust and hospitality. In addition, Halflings often rely on a network of trusted allies and friends to help them vet potential half-friends. They may consult with other Halflings who have interacted with the individual in question, or seek out references and recommendations from other members of their community.   One potential way to reveal to a halfling that you are a half-friend is by using their secret hand sign. To perform the Halfling's secret hand sign, the individual would first extend their right hand with the palm facing outward, as if to greet someone with a handshake. They would then make a subtle twisting motion with their wrist, rotating it slightly to the left and then back to the right. As they do this, they would also curl their fingers into a loose fist, with the thumb resting on top of the index finger. The movement of the wrist would be accompanied by a slight flexing of the fingers, almost as if the individual were cracking their knuckles.   The overall effect of this gesture is subtle and discreet, and would likely go unnoticed by anyone who was not familiar with the Halfling community. Once someone has been identified as a potential half-friend, Halflings will often test their loyalty and commitment before fully welcoming them into the community. This might involve asking them to perform a small task or favor, or simply observing how they interact with other members of the community over time.   Overall, becoming a half-friend requires a significant investment of time and effort on the part of both the Halflings and the individual in question. However, for those who are able to earn the trust and respect of this tight-knit community, the rewards are well worth it.


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