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Pyromaniac of Inladon

A young and chaotic halfling who tranied to become a druid. For many years he studied under his master instruction in a forest near Farview.


Over the years something changed for Puck and with 16 years he took off into the wilderness. Since this day he says he can't remember why he left and displays his usual chaotic lifestyle.


Currently he is in a deep druid sleep on the island of Notret to mend the bonds to the sprits.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

He replaced his right eye with a magical one. This eye is surrounded by runes and lets him see through inanimate objects

Apparel & Accessories

Leather clothes and a fur cap

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Trained to be a druid
  • Fled from Farview
  • He met the Adventurers
  • He burned large parts of Inladon
  • He joined the Fellower of the Bloodtree and revoked his oath only some days later
  • He had to cut of his arm to revoke the oath, the nature spirits are angry with him due to his broken oath
  • Mental Trauma

    Why did he fled from Farview? - Unknown
    Year of Birth
    1372 SY 20 Years old
    Wild, restless
    Aligned Organization

    This article has no secrets.


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