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Shattered Star

The Shattered Star is a relatively new sect that has been rapidly gaining followers in the wake of the Imladon disaster. They are known for their charismatic leader, Lucretia Starcaller, who has a way of making even the most skeptical listener believe in her cause. The Shattered Star's followers are easily recognizable by the small purple crystal that each member wears on a necklace or bracelet. These crystals are said to be fragments of Miros  and the source of all evil in the world. The sect has a strict hierarchy, with Lucreatia at the top and the lower members divided into different levels based on their level of devotion and the number of converts they have brought into the fold. The most devout members of the Shattered Star are known to undergo intense rituals and self-impaling to prove their worthiness to their cause.   Lucretia Starcaller, the charismatic leader of the Shattered Star, is revered by her followers as a saintly figure. She is known for her wisdom and compassion, and her ability to heal the sick and wounded with her divine powers. Her sermons are filled with hope and inspiration, and her teachings emphasize the importance of forgiveness, compassion, and love. The Shattered Star's holy book, the Tome of Stars, is a complex text that contains many arcane and esoteric teachings. It is said to have been written by Lucreatia herself, and its pages are filled with cryptic symbols and hidden meanings. The scholars of the world are still studying the Tome of Stars, trying to unlock its secrets and gain a deeper understanding of the universe and the nature of the divine based on the vision of Lucretia.     Despite their peaceful methods of conversion, the Shattered Star has been met with some suspicion and opposition from other religious groups, particularly those who view their beliefs as heretical. Nevertheless, the sect continues to grow and attract new followers, convinced that their path is the only way to save the world from the corruption brought about by the shards of Miros. Thus, they continue to spread their message of hope and salvation to all who will listen.   Spoiler The Truth about the sect
The teachings of Lucretia are neither wrong nor completly true. The origin of the Delerium is not actually the part of Miros but it is actually a manifatation of raw power beyond the weave (see Ji, Ti and the weave ). However, the visions about the ending of the world are not wrong. The shards need to be checked and controlled. The infusion of divine power is a potential way of controlling them.


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