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Spectral Planes

In the world of Ordrul there has always been balance between this World and the other Side. Philosophers always devided the living organsims of Ordrul into different spectral levels. The higher the level the more powerful and more ascented a being ist. However is has always been disputed what how many and what kind of levels exists. In general there are three major philosphies: The 3-, 5- and 6-level spectral theory. They have in common that everything lives and that there is a kind of hierachy in the world. What people describe as living and how granular the levels are seperates the theories. Moreover there are always exceptions that kind of don't fit into all systems. A famous example are the Bloodtree are they a plant, a humoid, an immortal or even a god other something else completly?


3-level spectral theory

  1. Plants and Animals
  2. Humanoid Creatures (e.g. Human , Elves , Dwarves
  3. Gods, Immortals (e.g. Xarla, The Grim Reaper

5-level spectral theory

  1. Elements (e.g. Fire, Water)
  2. Plants
  3. Animals
  4. Humanoid Creatures (e.g. Human , Elves , Dwarves
  5. Gods, Immortals (e.g. Xarla, The Grim Reaper

6-level spectral theory

  1. Elements (e.g. Fire, Water)
  2. Plants
  3. Animals
  4. Humanoid Creatures (e.g. Human , Elves , Dwarves
  5. Immortals (e.g. Narlis )
  6. Gods (e.g. Xarla)

The Truth

  There are not actual planes between the creatures of Ordrul while the perception of all living people are on planes. The creatures of Ordrul different in the amount of Ji they can channel through the weave into the physical world Ti (see for more information Ji, Ti and the weave.) In general the amount of Ji the individuals can channel are: elements (1-2%), Plants (3-5%), Animals (6-10%), Humanoids (15-25%), Immortals (30-45%), Gods (50-70%), Spectrals (80-100%). So in a way one could talk about a 7-level spectral theory without any creatures on the seventh level. As stated above there are no actual planes. A fire is creature only being with way less potential to channel Ji. For a typical human a fire does not look like a living beeing. For fire or an animal humans are creatures that are above their compherension. This is the same for other beings. The creatures typical living one plane are so different from creatures of the other planes that they can not totally understand eachother. However, there are no actual planes and therefore any beeing can rise or descent to any other plane. Death is typical example how a human is descending back into the elemental plane. The First Law  is the main reason why any creature can rise to another plane of existence.
A view of ordrul with its overlapping planes of existence
Metaphysical, Astral

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