Kingdom of Halentha

The Kingdom of Halentha was one of the two prominent Elven realms in The North, known for its rich history, advanced magical knowledge, and deeply hierarchical society. As one of the major Elven kingdoms, Halentha played a significant role in shaping the political and cultural landscape of the Elven Age until its collapse during the Human Rebellion.


Founded in the Early Elven Age, Halentha rapidly expanded through magical prowess, with its capital Skyreach symbolizing Elven supremacy. During its Golden Age, Halentha became a center of magical innovation and conquest, dominating the region through enchanted weaponry and elite Elven Knights. However, the kingdom’s prosperity was built on the brutal exploitation of a vast human slave population, which fueled its economy and infrastructure. As magic began to decline in the Late Elven Age, internal power struggles, resource depletion, and increasing slave rebellions destabilized the kingdom. In a desperate bid to maintain control, Halentha began to develop powerful magical weapons like the rumored Worldbreaker, but these efforts failed to stem the tide of rebellion. The kingdom’s downfall came with The Human Rebellion, with the capital of Skyreach falling in 1IE.

Demography and Population

Noble Elves (1-2%): The highest tier of society, composed of the Elven aristocracy, including the royal family, high-ranking officials, powerful mages, and military leaders. These Elves controlled most of the land, wealth, and magical resources in Halentha. They were the key decision-makers in governance, military strategy, and economic planning.   Common Elves (8-13%): Common Elves were the skilled professionals, merchants, minor landowners, soldiers, and lower-ranking mages. They managed day-to-day affairs, held administrative positions, and served as the backbone of Halentha’s military and magical endeavors. Common Elves lived relatively privileged lives compared to the human population, though still beholden to the noble class.   Humans (85-90%) The vast majority of the human population in Halentha were slaves, who were born into servitude or captured from other regions. Slaves were forced into various labor roles, including agricultural work, mining, construction, and industrial tasks. They lived under harsh conditions with minimal rights, often subjected to brutal treatment and exploitation.   Field and Mine Workers (40-45%): These slaves worked in the fields, producing food and raw materials, or in dangerous mines extracting valuable resources. Conditions were grueling, with long hours, little rest, and high mortality rates.   Skilled Slaves (15-20%): These were artisans, craftsmen, scribes, and other skilled laborers who were valued for their expertise. Although still enslaved, they often enjoyed slightly better living conditions and more stable work compared to field slaves.   Domestic Slaves (10-15%): Domestic slaves served in Elven households, performing tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and personal service. They lived closer to their Elven masters, and while still under strict control, they sometimes had marginally better living conditions due to their proximity to the nobility.   Half Elves (10-15%): Though a minority, individuals of mixed Elven and human descent existed, often born from illicit or unacknowledged unions between Elves and humans. They were typically marginalized, existing on the fringes of society, and were not fully accepted by either Elves or humans. Most were either enslaved or lived as outcasts, with few opportunities for advancement.


The military of Halentha was a formidable force defined by its integration of advanced magic and elite warriors. At the core were the Knights of Halentha, heavily armored warriors skilled in both combat and spellcraft, who served as the kingdom’s vanguard. The army also included units of skilled archers and mages capable of devastating magical assaults, making Halentha’s forces a fearsome presence on the battlefield. Magic was deeply embedded in Halentha’s military strategy, with enchanted weapons, defensive wards, and powerful siege spells frequently employed to overwhelm opponents. However, the army’s backbone was its vast human slave conscripts, used as disposable infantry and laborers in war efforts. Despite their lack of training, these conscripts provided critical manpower, though they were often treated as expendable. Halentha’s military might was unmatched during its height, but its reliance on slave troops became a vulnerability during the Human Rebellion, contributing to the kingdom’s eventual collapse.

Foreign Relations

Halentha and Lorintha shared a deep cultural connection as leading Elven kingdoms. Their ruling elites often intermarried, creating strong familial ties that facilitated diplomatic relations.   Despite their cooperation, Halentha and Lorintha were also rivals, each vying for dominance within the Elven world. Both sought to expand their influence over other Elven and non-Elven territories, leading to diplomatic tensions and occasional skirmishes.   Border disputes occasionally flared up, particularly over resource-rich areas that both kingdoms coveted. While these conflicts rarely escalated into full-scale war, they contributed to a lingering undercurrent of distrust. Negotiations were often tense, with both sides reluctant to make concessions.

Agriculture & Industry

Halentha’s industry was characterized by the fusion of magical innovation and extensive slave labor, which was meticulously controlled by the Elven elite. While magic elevated the quality of goods, the grueling labor was performed largely by human slaves, who were considered expendable and treated harshly. Workshops were vast and oppressive, with slaves working long hours under the watchful eyes of Elven overseers. These workshops produced enchanted goods at an unprecedented scale, but the conditions often led to exhaustion, accidents, and uprisings that were brutally suppressed.   Halentha’s agriculture, while technologically advanced and enhanced by magic, also relied heavily on the labor of human slaves who toiled in fields, orchards, and aquaculture operations. The kingdom’s magical advantages did not extend to easing the burden on its workforce, instead using magic to increase productivity at the expense of human lives.

Early Elven Age - 1IE

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Official Languages
Related Professions
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