
Worldbreaker is a rumoured magical weapon developed by the Kingdom of Halentha during the waning years of the Elven Age. The device is said to take the form of a pentagonal bipyramid approximately the size of a human head. It is alleged to be extremely heavy, unable to be lifted by any non magic-user humanoids who have attempted to do so.   The weapon is rumoured to have been developed as a war ending weapon of mass destruction to put down The Human Rebellion but was unable to employed for reasons unknown. Some Conclave scholars have alleged the device was used during The Devastation of Skyreach by Vonketrol however no conclusive evidence has been presented to support this claim.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Worldbreaker was allegedly designed as a weapon of mass destruction, intended to bring an end to the Human Rebellion in a single, devastating strike. The exact nature of its power remains a subject of debate among scholars, with some suggesting it had the capability to cause massive earthquakes, disrupt weather patterns, or even tear the fabric of reality itself. However, despite its intended role as a decisive weapon, Worldbreaker was never employed in the conflict, and the reasons for this remain unknown. Some theorise that the weapon was too dangerous to use, or that it malfunctioned during its final stages of development.


After the fall of Halentha and the end of the Elven Age, Worldbreaker vanished from historical records. Some believe it was hidden away by the last remnants of the Elven nobility in the South, while others suggest it was lost during the chaos of the Siege of Skyreach. The Conclave, ever vigilant for relics of great power, has long sought the weapon, but if it still exists, its location remains a closely guarded secret that is likely lost to time.


Worldbreaker stands as a chilling testament to the strength of Elven magical prowess at its peak. With rumors of its unimaginable destructive power and its possible role in The Devastation of Skyreach, Worldbreaker embodies the perilous intersection of magic and power, a relic that could alter the course of history if ever found again.
Creation Date
Alleged Late Elven Age
Destruction Date
Possibly 1IE, but Unknown
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
Exceptionally. Only one rumoured to have been constructed.
Too Heavy to Lift
Human Head Sized