Siege of Skyreach

The Siege of Skyreach was the final and decisive battle of The Human Rebellion, marking the end of the Elven Age and the downfall of the Elf rule in The North. Skyreach, the grand capital of The Kingdom of Halentha, was renowned for its towering architecture, magical defenses, and as a symbol of Elven supremacy. Following a long and bloody war that had seen Human forces rising against their Elven rulers, Skyreach stood as the last bastion of Elven power. The siege culminated in a brutal assault led by Alerio himself.

The Conflict

The Engagement

In 4009 EA, after defeating the Lorinthan and Halenthan armies at the battle of the Red Ford, Alerio led a force of 25,000 soldiers in a direct assault on Skyreach, with the aim of capturing or killing King Valandil and ending Elven rule once and for all. The attack began with coordinated strikes on the city’s outer defenses, quickly overwhelming the tired and outnumbered Elven defenders. Alerio’s forces, bolstered by their desperation and resolve, fought fiercely through the streets, setting fire to buildings as they advanced. The Storm: As the siege reached its climax, Alerio addressed his weary soldiers, urging them to make one final push to breach the walls of the palace where King Valandil had made his stand. With the gates battered down by a siege ram, Alerio and his men charged into the palace courtyard. Despite facing fierce resistance from elite Elven archers, the human soldiers fought their way forward, overwhelming the defenders and forcing their way inside the palace keep.   Inside the keep, the humans encountered a determined Elven shield wall. Alerio led his men in a bloody hand-to-hand battle, eventually breaking through the defenses after sustaining heavy casualties. As the Elven guards fell one by one, the path to the throne room was cleared.   In the throne room, King Valandil awaited the inevitable, sitting on a silver throne surrounded by his last loyal guards. Alerio demanded Valandil’s surrender, but the Elven king remained defiant, mocking the humans and denying the significance of their rebellion. As Alerio’s forces engaged Valandil’s guards, Ovidius Seneca, Alerio’s second-in-command, broke through the melee and confronted the Elven king directly.   Valandil, wielding his sword with supernatural agility, disarmed Ovidius and struck him down. However, Ovidius, refusing to surrender, drew a hidden dagger and delivered a fatal blow to Valandil, stabbing him repeatedly until the Elven king fell dead. This moment marked the end of the battle and the symbolic collapse of Elven authority.

Historical Significance


The death of King Valandil and the capture of Skyreach marked the definitive end of Elven dominance in Orienta. The city, once a pinnacle of Elven civilization, was left a shadow of its former glory, its grand structures shattered by the destruction wrought by the siege. Reconstruction efforts by The Imperial League failed to recapture the splendour of the city pre-rebellion before its destruction during The Devastation of Skyreach.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Sundark 4009 EA
Ending Date
Kaisihatch 4009 EA