Yam Thale

Yam Thale is a Syamase colonial settlement located on the isle of Moro in The Meztica Archipelago. The local Meztican people foster an uneasy relationship with the Syamese of the settlement. Yam Thale serves as a strategic outpost for trade and the Empire of Syam's territorial aspirations in Occidalis.


  • 70% Syamese
  • 30% Meztican
  • Government

    At the helm of Yam Thale is Phracêā Sunti Dabaransi, a nobleman and seasoned general dispatched by the Syamese Empire to oversee the expansion into this distant corner of the world. His leadership is marked by a blend of military discipline and administrative efficiency, characteristics mirrored in the Syamese officers who manage the colony's affairs. Each officer operates semi-autonomously, entrusted with maintaining order, collecting taxes, and overseeing agricultural and trade endeavors.   The relationship between Syamese settlers and Meztican natives is fraught with complexities. While some Syamese officers seek peaceful coexistence and trade partnerships, others view the Mezticans as obstacles to be subdued or resources to exploit. Land disputes, particularly over sacred sites, often escalate tensions, sometimes leading to skirmishes or clandestine acts of resistance from the Meztican side.


    Yam Thale boasts a garrison of some five hundred Syamese soldiers as well as four warships with crew docked in the harbour. At the heart of the colony stands Fort Yam Thale, a formidable structure constructed from local stone and timber. The fort is strategically positioned overlooking the harbor, providing a commanding view of incoming ships and potential threats from the sea. Its thick walls are reinforced with defensive towers and battlements, where Syamese soldiers keep watch day and night.

    Industry & Trade

    Agriculture: The fertile land of Moro supports the cultivation of cocoa and other crops, vital for both local consumption and export.   Trade: The bustling harbor facilitates trade with the mainland and other parts of the archipelago, fostering economic growth and cultural exchange.


    The Syamese bring with them a structured society influenced by their homeland's traditions. The settlement is organized around a central plaza dominated by the governor's residence and administrative buildings. Temples dedicated to Syamese deities stand as spiritual centers, while bustling markets trade in goods imported from Huehcapan and beyond.   The settlement boasts a bustling habour through which goods flow from the mainland and across the sea to Orienta.



    Natural Resources

    Cocoa is a cornerstone of the colony's economy, providing a vital source of income for Meztican farmers and a lucrative export commodity for Syamese traders and merchants. The cocoa beans are highly prized for their rich flavor and aromatic qualities, making them desirable in markets across the Syamese Empire and beyond.
    Founding Date
    Location under
    Ruling/Owning Rank
    Owning Organization