
Goblins are small, cunning humanoid creatures known for their ferocity, agility, and knack for causing mischief. With green or gray skin, sharp teeth, and a hunched posture, goblins are often seen as pests or nuisances by other humanoid races.   Despite their small stature, goblins are formidable opponents, using ambushes, traps, and sheer numbers to overwhelm their enemies. They are tribal by nature, forming tight-knit communities led by strong leaders or shamans.   Goblins are opportunistic and resourceful, able to adapt to a variety of environments and situations. While they may be viewed as chaotic and unpredictable, goblins are also fiercely loyal to their tribes and will defend their homes and territories with ferocity.   Though often maligned and misunderstood, goblins are an integral part of the fantasy world, adding an element of danger and unpredictability to any adventure. Whether as adversaries or allies, goblins bring a sense of chaos and excitement.

Basic Information


Goblins are small humanoid creatures with wiry frames, sharp claws, and a distinct hunched posture. They have green or gray skin, pointed ears, and large, expressive eyes. Despite their small stature, goblins are known for their agility and cunning.

Biological Traits

Goblins possess keen senses, particularly in low-light conditions, making them skilled hunters and scouts. They are nimble and quick on their feet, able to navigate rough terrain with ease. Despite their small size, goblins can be surprisingly strong and resilient.  
Goblins do not have distinct subraces like elves or dwarves. However, variations in behavior, appearance, and culture may exist among different tribes or groups of goblins.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblins reach maturity quickly, often becoming adults by the age of 12 or 13. They have relatively short lifespans compared to other humanoid races, typically living to be around 40 years old.


Goblins are opportunistic and cunning creatures, often resorting to ambushes, traps, and trickery to achieve their goals. They are tribal by nature, forming tight-knit communities led by strong leaders or shamans. While they can be cowardly when faced with overwhelming odds, goblins are also fiercely territorial and will defend their homes and resources with ferocity.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Goblins have pointed ears, large and expressive eyes, and sharp teeth. Their faces often bear scars or other signs of their violent and chaotic lifestyle.

Average Intelligence

Goblins are generally considered to be of below-average intelligence, though they are cunning and resourceful in their own way.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Goblins typically speak Goblin, a guttural language filled with growls, grunts, and snarls. Some goblins may also learn Common or other languages depending on their interactions with other races.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Goblins have a reputation for being vicious and unpredictable, leading to strained relations with other humanoid races. They are often seen as pests or nuisances by humans, elves, and dwarves, and are frequently targeted for extermination or expulsion from settled areas. However, some goblins may form alliances or work as mercenaries for more powerful factions, using their skills in sabotage and guerrilla warfare to their advantage.
Genetic Descendants
average 40 years
Average Height
Goblins are small creatures, standing between 3 and 4 feet tall.
Average Weight
40 to 80 pounds
Average Physique
Goblins have lean and wiry physiques, with little muscle mass compared to larger humanoid races.

Articles under Goblin


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