Session 1 - An Introduction

General Summary

The bustling settlement of Origin, founded on an ancient battle site, is faced with increasing turmoil as planar rifts disrupt the delicate balance of the world. The power struggle among minor guilds for control within the city adds to the chaos. In this underdeveloped world, where airships are yet to be invented, the citizens lead their lives amidst the uncertainty of the rifts.
    Several notable establishments in Origin include Fleetfoot's Oddities, a general store owned by the haggling gnome Kipper, who has a soft spot for the Temple of the Moon. The temple, managed by Mother Viera Fund, serves as a nurturing ground for an attached orphanage, overseen by Father Uthemar and Sister Brina. The lively Patient Respite, a tavern run by the well-connected Quilla Sheppen, becomes a central hub for information exchange and leisure. Other noteworthy locations include Naga's Chemist, an alchemist store owned by the peculiar Birell, and the Bulette's Hilt, a blacksmith shop operated by the athletic half-elf Ida and her partner Bernard.
    The introduction of a diverse group of adventurers—Scout, Lucielle Elusaria, NoX, Rickie, Yu (Hayase), Glidrem, Rui (Harui), Shroo, Varrus, and Ol Zog Head—brings together an eclectic mix of races, backgrounds, and abilities. These characters, each with their unique traits, respond to the city's call to venture beyond its walls and address the growing threat of the planar rifts.
    Upon gathering information from Major Mamnen Grifft's announcement, the party decides to embark on an adventure outside the northern gate. Quilla provides NoX with a lead to aid a friend and his lost clan beneath the Thunderrock Mountains, equipping them with a Bag of Holding and three weeks' worth of supplies.
    The stage is set for these adventurers to unravel the mysteries of Livros, navigate the power struggles in Origin, and confront the enigmatic planar rifts that threaten the delicate balance of their world. The journey has just begun, promising both peril and reward for those who dare to explore.

Related Reports

Gossip from Frayne Stoneheart: Swears a hidden civilisation is present towards the Thunderrock Mountains.
  Lead from Quilla Sheppen: A friend and his clan has been lost underneath the Thunderrock Mountains.
Report Date
19 Jan 2024
Primary Location


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