Session 2 - The Journey Begins

General Summary

In Session Two, our intrepid adventurers, Lucielle, Scout, Rickie, NoX, Yu, and Rui, convened outside Origin's gates, heeding Quilla's plea to aid NoX in locating her missing friends near the Thunderrock Mountains. Despite their varied backgrounds and experiences, they found common ground in their shared journey.
    As they set out, NoX unveiled his arcane nature and revealed his warforged origins, which came as a surprise to Lucielle, who was intrigued by his dragonborn-like appearance. The revelation sparked conversation and speculation about the mysteries surrounding his creation and purpose. Rui, meanwhile, shared her expertise as a skilled blacksmith, hinting at the potential for her craftsmanship to aid the group in their quest.
    Consulting the map, the party plotted their course, estimating a journey of approximately 56-60 days. They decided to make pit stops at Chestervost and Protail villages before venturing further into the unknown. Along the way, they encountered a bustling array of travelers, from mounted riders on tigers, horses, and deer to caravans pulled by sturdy oxen, each adding to the vibrant tapestry of Livros.
    In an effort to ease Rickie's travel discomfort, he perched atop Lucielle's back, revealing the diverse heights of the party members: Scout at 4'6", Lucielle at 5'2", Rui towering at 6'3", and Rickie, the smallest among them, standing at a diminutive 1'6". Lucielle, ever curious and naive to the world beyond her secluded upbringing, marveled at the sights and sounds of their journey, while NoX's troubled past and cautious demeanor hinted at darker experiences.
    As the day waned and darkness enveloped the land, the party stumbled upon ominous goblinoid tracks, prompting Scout and Rickie to scout ahead while the others made camp. Scout's forest hideaway, nestled amidst ancient ruins and a majestic oak tree, became the backdrop for a tense encounter with fiery goblinoid creatures (Goblinoid Sulphur Subspecies). Rickie, with his keen senses, detected their distinctive sulfuric scent, hinting at their other worldly origins.
    Throughout their journey, snippets of conversation intertwined with moments of silence, painting a vivid tapestry of camaraderie and shared purpose. Discussions ranged from NoX's origins and the nature of arcane magic to Rui's expertise in blacksmithing and the intricacies of the map's terrain. Lucielle's innocent inquiries and enthusiastic observations brought a touch of lightheartedness to their travels, while NoX's guarded demeanor hinted at a past shrouded in secrecy and hardship. As they navigated the bustling landscape of Livros, their conversations served as threads binding them together, forging bonds of friendship and mutual respect amidst the uncertainty of their quest.   Amidst the tension and uncertainty, Rickie's discovery of a mysterious rift nearby added a new layer of intrigue to their journey. Venturing closer, he braved the intense heat and flames emanating from the rift, his curiosity outweighing the inherent danger. As the session drew to a close, the party found themselves on the precipice of the unknown, their resolve tested by the challenges that lay ahead and the mysteries that beckoned from beyond the rift's fiery embrace.
Report Date
27 Jan 2024
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