Changeling Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Changelings, mystical beings born from the potent magic that permeated the world during the tumultuous period known as the Celestial War, are humans who have undergone a profound transformation. These enigmatic creatures possess the extraordinary ability to shape-shift, allowing them to assume the appearance of other individuals or creatures with remarkable skill and precision.   As their name suggests, changelings are adept at altering their physical form, seamlessly morphing their features, body structure, and even voice to imitate others. This extraordinary talent grants them a unique versatility and the capacity to blend seamlessly into various environments and social situations. Whether assuming the appearance of another human, a different race, or even mimicking animals, changelings have an innate aptitude for imitation and disguise.   The process of shape-shifting for changelings goes beyond mere physical alteration; they can also emulate the mannerisms, speech patterns, and behaviors of those they seek to replicate. This ability allows them to deceive others effectively, slipping unnoticed into different roles, and even assuming positions of power or influence if their guises are maintained convincingly.   Changelings' transformational abilities are not limited to external appearances alone. They can also alter their internal physiology, adapting their physical attributes to suit the situation at hand. By modifying their skeletal structure, muscle mass, and even organ placement, they can enhance their strength, speed, or agility, granting them a tactical advantage in combat or other endeavors.   Despite their remarkable powers of transformation, changelings are not devoid of individuality or a sense of self. Their experiences, memories, and emotions shape their identity, even as they assume different forms. While some changelings might find solace in their adaptable nature, relishing the freedom and anonymity it provides, others may grapple with questions of identity and the challenges of maintaining genuine connections with others.   Changelings' origin during the Celestial War has left a lasting mark on their culture and society. They have established close-knit communities, often referred to as "Houses" or "Clans," where they share knowledge, techniques, and stories related to their shape-shifting abilities. These communities serve as a support network, allowing changelings to explore and develop their unique talents, while also providing a sense of belonging and understanding among their own kind.   While changelings are generally not exclusive to any particular alignment, their shape-shifting abilities can be both a blessing and a curse. Some changelings may utilize their skills for noble purposes, employing their mimicry to infiltrate and expose corruption or to protect the innocent. Others, however, might succumb to darker inclinations, using their powers for deception, manipulation, or personal gain.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Humans transformed by magic

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