Goliath Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Goliaths are a unique and formidable race that trace their lineage back to the intermingling of humans and giants. As a result of this unconventional union, Goliaths inherit certain physical traits and characteristics that set them apart from both humans and pure-blooded giants.   Goliaths possess a remarkable physique that combines the strength and stature of their giant ancestry with the agility and resilience of humans. They stand tall, towering above most humans, with an average height ranging from 7 to 8 feet (2.1 to 2.4 meters). Their powerful build is characterized by well-developed muscles and a robust frame, reflecting their lineage's inherent strength and endurance.   While Goliaths exhibit a clear resemblance to giants, their size is typically more proportional and balanced, allowing for greater mobility and agility. They often have broad shoulders, a solid bone structure, and a sense of physical presence that commands attention. Their skin tone varies, spanning a range of earthy tones, from deep browns and grays to lighter shades with hints of blue or green, reminiscent of their giant ancestry.   Goliaths have a natural affinity for rugged environments and harsh terrains. They excel in adapting to mountainous regions, icy landscapes, and other demanding habitats. Their resilience and physical prowess enable them to navigate treacherous landscapes with relative ease, making them adept climbers and surefooted travelers.   In terms of temperament, Goliaths exhibit a strong sense of self-discipline, discipline, and self-reliance. They have a deeply ingrained sense of honor and strive to uphold their personal codes of conduct. Goliaths value strength, both physical and mental, and respect individuals who demonstrate these qualities. They place great importance on personal achievements, be it in physical challenges or acts of courage.   Goliath society is often organized into tribal communities, with each tribe governed by its own set of customs and traditions. Clan elders and chieftains hold significant authority and are respected for their wisdom and leadership. Tribal culture emphasizes cooperation and communal living, with members relying on one another for survival and protection. Goliaths place a strong emphasis on physical challenges and feats of strength, as they believe such accomplishments bring honor and recognition to both individuals and their tribes.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Gigas
Breeding of Giants and Humans

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