Dao Physical / Metaphysical Law in Oros | World Anvil
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The Dao is considered a transcendent and ineffable force that cannot be completely described or understood through words or concepts. It is the source of all existence and the principle that governs the cyclical nature of the cosmos. The Dao is often associated with spontaneity, simplicity, and living in harmony with the natural flow of life. 

It was created by Ur Yu - Lord of the Dao and is often called the greatest mortal power, as it allows mortals to exceed their limits and be able to fight toe to toe with immortals and even detites, the most famous example is that of the Mortal God Yang Kai- The Great Yang who was a normal human that merely sweeped floors, but through sheer determination and effort, he was able to ascend to godhood. Although he is the only case, many more have become strong enough to fight immortals and even deities.

Depending on one's birth and location, the dao may be strong or it may be weak. On the continent Ur, the birthplace of the dao and the strongest essence of it in the world, whereas places like Rodinia are extremely lacking in the dao.

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