Mortal God Rank/Title in Oros | World Anvil
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Mortal God

Mortal Gods are special New Gods. Just like the new gods, mortal gods are born after the Cataclysm. Mortal Gods however are not born deities. They are born mortal and obtain godhood through some means.

The first mortal god is Sieghardt- God Emperor and he was granted godhood by The Three Goddesses and various other gods, that tasked him with ending the Great God War.

The second mortal god is Yang Kai- The Great Yang and he would ascend to godhood through his own merit. By working towards total mastery of the Dao, he was able to become a god.

The third and final mortal god is Timaeus- Master of Wisdom and he would inherit his godhood from Almarduke- God of Wisdom. He was chosen as his successor of the godhood of wisdom.

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