Dark Elf Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Dark Elf

Dark Elves, also known as the Drow or Shadow Elves, are an elven subrace that shares a common ancestry with the Primordial Dark Elves. Following the death of Solomon, their once-immortal lineage came to an end, and they no longer possess the longevity and eternal life they once enjoyed. However, their core characteristics and attributes remain largely unchanged. Physically, Dark Elves bear the distinctive features associated with elven kind. They possess a slender and graceful build, with fine features and pointed ears. However, their appearance has been influenced by the inherent darkness within their heritage. Their skin tone ranges from deep ebony to shades of obsidian, reflecting the taint of their corrupted lineage. Their eyes, often vibrant and luminous, now exhibit a haunting glow of deep hues such as red, purple, or indigo, signifying their connection to the shadows.   Dark Elves have retained their affinity for shadow magic and manipulation, inheriting the skills and abilities once possessed by their Primordial Dark Elf ancestors. They are adept at illusion, stealth, and deception, harnessing the power of darkness to their advantage. Their mastery over shadow enables them to move silently, blending into dimly lit environments, and striking with deadly precision. They are skilled assassins, spellcasters, and rogues, using their abilities to navigate the darkness and gain an edge in combat.   Society and culture among Dark Elves have evolved alongside the passing of time. They have developed intricate systems of hierarchy, often structured around matriarchal or militaristic leadership. Their society values power, intrigue, and personal advancement. Ambition and ruthlessness are prized traits, driving many Dark Elves to seek influence, dominion, and control over others. They are known for their adeptness in political maneuvering, intricate webs of manipulation, and clandestine organizations.   Dark Elves are formidable warriors, both on an individual level and as a society. Their combat prowess is honed through rigorous training and a natural aptitude for weaponry and magic. They excel in various forms of combat, including close-quarters combat with bladed weapons, archery, and the devastating use of magic to manipulate shadows and launch debilitating spells. Their agility, dexterity, and quick thinking make them formidable opponents in battle.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Tenebris
Came about after the death of Solomon

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