Primordial Dark Elf Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Primordial Dark Elf

The Primordial Dark Elves are a subrace of elves who originated from the corruption brought upon by the conquests of Uruk the Great. Born out of the shadowy depths of their tainted heritage, they became a faction led by their king, Khaine, during the tumultuous elven civil war.   Physically, Primordial Dark Elves share many similarities with their elven kin. They possess the slender and graceful forms that are characteristic of elves, but their appearance is marked by the influence of darkness. Their once radiant and ethereal beauty has been marred by the touch of corruption, resulting in pale, ashen skin and obsidian-black hair that shimmers with an otherworldly luster. Their eyes, once vibrant and full of light, now bear a haunting glow of malevolent darkness.   The Primordial Dark Elves are deeply connected to the shadowy realms and draw power from the corruptive forces that surround them. This connection has granted them a profound understanding of shadow magic and manipulation. They excel in stealth, illusion, and manipulation of darkness, utilizing their abilities to strike swiftly and unseen against their enemies. Their affinity for shadow magic allows them to blend seamlessly into the darkness, making them formidable assassins and infiltrators.   In terms of society and culture, the Primordial Dark Elves have embraced their corrupted nature and developed a distinct way of life. They worship dark deities and pay homage to the forces of shadow and chaos. Their society is organized under the rule of King Khaine, who embodies their collective desire for power, conquest, and dominance. Ambition and cunning are highly valued, and individuals are driven by a hunger for power and a thirst for the subjugation of their elven brethren.   The Primordial Dark Elves are notorious for their ruthless tactics and merciless nature in battle. They employ guerrilla warfare, using their mastery of stealth and ambush tactics to gain the upper hand against their enemies. Their proficiency in both close-quarters combat and long-range archery, combined with their shadowy abilities, makes them formidable adversaries on the battlefield.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Primo Luculenus Tenebris
Elves corrupted from the powers of the Shadow Realm

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