Elemental Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Elementals, born from the very essence of the elements themselves, are awe-inspiring beings that embody the fundamental forces that shape the world. Crafted by the hands of Holactie - The Creator of Light, these creatures are the living embodiments of the elements - fire, water, earth, air, and more. They possess an unparalleled connection to their respective elements, allowing them to wield their powers with unmatched mastery.   Each type of elemental carries within it the essence of its element. Fire Elementals radiate intense heat and flames, capable of incinerating anything in their path. Water Elementals can manipulate water at will, forming tidal waves and storms with a mere gesture. Earth Elementals are as unyielding as the mountains, capable of reshaping landscapes with their immense strength. Air Elementals dance upon the winds, controlling currents and storms with graceful ease.   These beings are not bound by mortal limitations. They are eternal and ageless, their existence directly tied to the elements they represent. As a result, they are the living bridge between the ethereal and the tangible, the metaphysical and the physical. Their presence alone can alter the environment, shaping it to their liking. Mountains might rise or crumble, oceans might part or surge, and the skies themselves might unleash their fury or calm.   Elementals are often called upon in times of great need or for significant rituals, as their power is truly astonishing. Mages and elementalists seek to form pacts with them, to gain even a fraction of their elemental might. However, working with these beings is not without its risks, for the elements are untamed and can be as destructive as they are beneficial.   While Elementals are not creatures with human-like consciousness, they possess an ancient wisdom and a sense of purpose tied to their element's nature. They might be capricious as the wind, implacable as the mountains, or volatile as fire, but their very existence serves as a reminder of the primal forces that govern the world. They are the living embodiment of nature's power, an eternal symphony of the elements' dance.
Genetic Descendants

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