Giant Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Giants, born from the forging hands of Solomon - God of Life during the tumultuous days of the celestial war, stand as imposing figures in the annals of history. These colossal beings, resembling humans in form but towering over them in size and strength, were crafted with a singular purpose – to serve as stalwart defenders and champions of the light forces.   From the very moment of their creation, giants emerged as a formidable asset to the celestial cause. Their massive frames and awe-inspiring stature instilled a sense of both hope and fear among the ranks of the celestial army. Clad in the armor of righteousness, they marched alongside their celestial brethren, their immense strength and power dealing devastating blows to the forces of darkness.   In the heat of battle, giants could be seen wielding massive weapons and wielding the raw forces of nature as their own. Their towering presence often served as a rallying point for the light forces, a symbol of unwavering determination and unyielding resistance against the encroaching shadows. With every swing of their colossal arms, they struck down the minions of darkness, leaving trails of destruction in their wake.   Over the eons that followed the celestial war, the legacy of the giants gradually faded into obscurity. While once hailed as valiant heroes, these towering beings now find themselves struggling in a world that has evolved around them. Their immense size, once an advantage on the battlefield, has become a hindrance in a world of shifting alliances and intricate diplomacy.   As the ages rolled on, giants have become a rare sight, their numbers dwindling as they grapple with the challenges of a world that often fails to accommodate their massive forms. Prejudice and misunderstanding have pushed these once-cherished defenders to the fringes of society, forcing them to navigate a path fraught with hardships and discrimination.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Pifancus Homo
Related Ethnicities

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