Hobgoblin Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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Hobgoblins, a distinct humanoid race, emerged as a mutation of goblins during the Cataclysm. These beings exhibit notable differences from their smaller, more mischievous goblin counterparts, possessing unique traits and characteristics that set them apart.   Physically, Hobgoblins are taller and more robust than goblins, standing at approximately the same height as an average human. They possess a more muscular and sturdy build, reflecting their natural inclination towards physical strength and combat prowess. Hobgoblins have rough, leathery skin that varies in color from shades of gray, green, or brown, providing a certain level of natural camouflage in their environments.   Hobgoblins are known for their discipline and organizational skills, traits that distinguish them from the more chaotic nature of goblins. They have a well-structured society, often organized around military hierarchies and social order. These societal structures are often built upon a foundation of obedience, loyalty, and strict adherence to a code of conduct. Hobgoblin communities are typically organized into warbands or clans, each led by a powerful chieftain or warlord.   With a natural aptitude for strategy and tactics, Hobgoblins are formidable warriors and commanders on the battlefield. They excel in combat, utilizing a combination of martial skill, teamwork, and strategic planning. Hobgoblin military units are known for their precision, discipline, and ability to coordinate complex maneuvers. This makes them a significant threat to their adversaries in times of war.   Hobgoblins possess an inherent drive for conquest and expansion. Their ambition often leads them to establish dominance over territories and engage in conflicts with other races. They are not limited to direct combat, as their strategic minds allow them to engage in diplomatic maneuvers, manipulation, and subterfuge to achieve their goals.   While Hobgoblins share some physical and cultural traits with goblins, they stand as a distinct race, embodying discipline, order, and martial prowess. Their emergence during the Era of Gods brought forth a formidable presence in the world, challenging other races and leaving a lasting impact on the realms they inhabit.

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