Cataclysm in Oros | World Anvil
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The Cataclysm, also referred as the "Great Extinction" is an era in the world's history that saw the world asunder.

Solomon - God of Life creator of the world sustained the world through his life essence, but after his death at the hands of Cálecelos - God of Change. The Celestial War would come to an end and the cataclysm would begin.

During this time many races and species would go extinct, the most notable being the Lizardfolk. Every form of disaster occured during this time, ranging from earthquakes, great floods, tornados, wildfires, landslides, droughts, hurricanes, sinkholes, meteors and every other imagined disaster. Widespread death and suffering was a fact of life during this era. The once ancient supercontinent of Primoria would be split apart into the continents of today.

After 250 years the cataclysm showed signs of ending until Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa would return and enact Aaglfa, thus extending the cataclysm by 750 years.

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