Goblin Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Goblins, a race born from the forced copulation of elves and orcs during the conquests of Uruk the Great, are small, cunning, and often mischievous creatures. These beings inherit certain traits and characteristics from both of their parent races, resulting in a unique combination of physical and behavioral features.   Physically, goblins are smaller in stature compared to both elves and orcs. They typically stand at a height ranging from three to four feet, with a slight and wiry build. Their skin tone varies, reflecting a blend of elven and orcish heritage, and can range from pale grayish tones to more earthy hues. Goblins have sharp, pointed ears akin to their elven lineage, and their facial features often bear a resemblance to both races, showcasing a mix of orcish strength and elven finesse.   Goblins possess an innate affinity for stealth, guile, and survival. Their natural cunning and nimbleness allow them to navigate through various environments, often excelling in underground tunnels, dense forests, or hidden lairs. They are known for their dexterity and quick reflexes, which aid them in evading capture or executing swift strikes against their foes.   Due to their chaotic nature, goblins often form tribal communities or small clans, typically led by a dominant chieftain or alpha. These groups operate with a hierarchical structure, where the strongest or most cunning goblin assumes leadership. They are driven by primal instincts, engaging in raiding, pillaging, and thievery to acquire resources or satisfy their desires.   Goblins are opportunistic and resourceful, using their agility and adaptability to survive in harsh conditions. They are skilled scavengers, capable of finding sustenance in even the most barren landscapes. Their affinity for tinkering and crafting rudimentary weapons and traps enables them to defend themselves and secure their territories.   While goblins are often seen as a nuisance or minor threat by other races, their sheer numbers, cunning tactics, and ability to exploit weaknesses make them formidable adversaries in certain circumstances. Their chaotic and unpredictable nature makes them challenging to control or predict, making them a potential menace to larger, more organized civilizations.   In summary, goblins are the result of the forced union between elves and orcs, embodying a combination of physical attributes and behavioral traits from both races. Their small stature, cunning nature, and resourcefulness enable them to survive and thrive in a variety of environments, although their chaotic tendencies often lead to conflict and mischief.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Parva viridi res
Forced copulation of elves and orcs
Related Ethnicities

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