Kobold Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Kobolds are a race that originated as a result of the Aasimar experiments during the Celestial War, which sought to create Dragonborn but resulted in a different outcome. While Dragonborn were born with the power and features of dragons, Kobolds emerged as a distinct, diminutive race with their own set of characteristics. Physically, Kobolds are significantly smaller in stature compared to Dragonborn and most humanoid races. They typically stand no taller than three to four feet and have slender, reptilian bodies. Their scaly skin ranges in color from earthy tones to hues that reflect their draconic lineage, such as red, green, or copper. Kobolds possess snouts with sharp teeth, small horns, and tails that add to their reptilian appearance.   Kobolds are known for their industrious and resourceful nature. They are highly skilled in craftsmanship, particularly in creating traps and mechanisms. They have a natural affinity for engineering and can design complex systems that are often used to protect their homes and lairs. Kobolds are often found living in subterranean environments, such as caves or underground tunnels, where they have established extensive networks of interconnected chambers and passages.   In terms of their society, Kobolds are highly communal and organized. They form hierarchical structures led by a dominant figure, typically a powerful Kobold or a dragon they revere as their progenitor. The social order within Kobold communities is rigid, with each member assigned specific roles and tasks based on their abilities. They place great importance on collective effort and the well-being of their group.   Kobolds are known for their affinity for acquiring and hoarding shiny objects, particularly those with material or sentimental value. These hoards are seen as a symbol of wealth, status, and security within their society. While their hoarding tendencies may stem from their draconic heritage, it is important to note that Kobolds are not inherently evil or malicious. They are driven by a strong survival instinct and the desire to protect their communities.   In terms of combat, Kobolds rely more on cunning, stealth, and traps rather than brute strength. They excel at setting up ambushes and utilizing their intimate knowledge of their underground environments to gain an advantage over their adversaries. They are agile and quick, making them formidable opponents in narrow or confined spaces.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draco Minus
Defects of Dragonborn from the Aasimar Experiments

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