Prugarians Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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Prugarians (Pru-Gair-rian)

An ancient Human tribe in the time of Sieghardt- God Emperor, it is one of the twelve tribes that united under him to form The Confederation of Man. They would later become the current nation of Marienburg.

The Prugarians were a tribe of seamen skilled in trade and all things involving the sea. They worshipped the goddess of the ocean Narvola of the Old Rodinia Pantheon.

When Sieghardt came to unite the Prugarians, he told them of the benefits of a union among the tribes and the threat of Gluk Blood- Axe, and through diplomacy, the Prugarians a people of a sound mind, they understood that together they were stronger against not only Gluk but all threats from land and sea. Joining Sieghardt was the most logical option considering the circumstances.

Their captial was called Truso, which is the modern day City of Marienburg.
Geopolitical, Tribe

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