Sieghardt- God Emperor Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Sieghardt- God Emperor


"As the sun sets, casting the world into darkness, and the roaring fires are kindled, and ale is poured into vessels, it becomes the hour to weave tales like the Dwarfs. Among these, the grandest is the saga of Sieghardt, the formidable warrior. Listen well, let these words reach you, and thrive in the embrace of hope." - excerpt from the Legend of Sieghardt
"I stand as Sieghardt, radiant and divine. My name shall resound with enduring might, echoing through the annals of time. It will pierce the shadows, vanquishing foes in every clandestine refuge. Its reverberation will manifest when the call is most urgent." Deus Sieghardt prayer of the Cult of Sieghardt
Sieghardt, also called Sieghardt Heldenhammer, meaning "Hammer of the Goblins" in Old Theodic, born as Sieghardt Theodoricing, sometimes called the "God-King" and who reigned as the first Emperor of Man, is a former mortal man who has become an ascended god, embodying the spread of civilisation and its protection. He is the founder of The Empire of Man, its first emperor and its current patron deity. Sieghardt is the object of devotion for the state religion of the Cult of Sieghardt, the most powerful religious institution of the Empire.

Born over 13000 years ago to the Theodoricings tribe, his coming having been heralded by the Protos Supernova, Sieghardt, alone of the kings among the 12 tribes of men who founded the empire, was possessed by a singular drive to put an end to bloody conflicts that had riven his people apart.

This matter bore grave significance, as the Parsians launched raids along the southern frontiers of the Theodoricings, encroaching upon the Tuscanians in the north. Simultaneously, conflicts flared between the Asirgargians and the Vikilians for territorial supremacy, and the Goblins, Giants, and Dark Elf race plundered the realms of men indiscriminately. Throughout, Orcs wreaked havoc upon Humanity, and the Beastmen, offspring of Chaos, incessantly pillaged from the depths of the forests.

Despite challenges, Sieghardt united the tribes of Men through both rhetoric and action. Those who resisted were cast aside, and with a warhammer and unbridled fury, he expelled Mankind's adversaries from his homeland. Following the successful unification, Sieghardt received the crown as the inaugural Emperor of Man, a coronation conducted by the Dylkir himself, given Sieghardt's unwavering devotion to Dykirian principles in his mortal existence. For fifty-five years, Sieghardt's reign ushered in a golden age marked by justice, fairness, and prosperity.

Nevertheless, Sieghardt confronted and triumphed over numerous threats to the Empire's stability with audacity and strategic leadership. These challenges included the malevolent raids of dark elves, invasions by the giant and the goblins, as well as the orc Overlord Gluk Blood- Axe at the passage of the Krum Mountains, and even the ominous march of the Lord of the Undead, the formidable Necromancer Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God. In a legendary single-combat showdown at Nebuchadnezzar's citadel in Nakhan, Sieghardt defeated lord of undeath. As the champion god, Sieghardt is prophesied to bring an end to the Great God War in a climactic duel against Babel- God of War. In this epic confrontation, they would fell each other, their bodies colliding with the ground, marking the conclusion of the war.

The father of the empire had passed away, leaving his sole heir, Prince Sieghardt, to inherit both the throne and the mantle of godhood. The empire's faith shifted, now venerating Sieghardt as their patron deity in place of Dyre. However, contrary to the noble legacy of his father, Prince Sieghardt proved to be a heartless tyrant. His rule ushered in the Tyrannical Age, a dark period lasting 300 years, during which the Empire of Man endured the weight of his malevolence. Sieghardt's cruelty extended beyond his own borders, as he aggressively conquered vast territories in his prolonged and oppressive reign. The populace suffered under his arbitrary and capricious governance, making him seem more Demon than ruler. He went so far as to enforce the exclusive worship of himself as the sole deity.

  Eventually, after three centuries of suffering, the people of the empire grew weary of Sieghardt's oppression. Yearning to return to the worship of their true god, revolutionaries secured the legendary hammer, Ghal Maraz. This powerful artifact became the key to their victory against Prince Sieghardt. Over seven years, the forces loyal to Sieghardt clashed with the liberation army led by a man named Klaus. In the end, Prince Sieghardt was defeated, forced to abandon the empire.

  With Sieghardt's departure, the empire was liberated, and Klaus would be hailed as Klaus the Savior and as its rightful ruler. Pharamond with the aid of Klaus established the one true faith, centered around Sieghardt as the god emperor. Thus, the Cult of Sieghardt was born, ensuring that the empire would worship its god in a more benevolent and just light.

After several millennia, the Cult of Sieghardt has grown into the predominant and influential faith within the Empire, rivaled only by the ancient Dyre. Sieghardt, now a revered deity, is believed to engage in perpetual battle against the malevolent forces of the world from the celestial realm. His divine efforts aim to thwart the spread of malign influence, protecting the realm of Men.

  The souls of devout worshippers who have sacrificed themselves in the fight against chaotic evils are said to ascend to Sieghardt's side in the afterlife. These martyred souls join him in his holy struggle, becoming a celestial force aiding in the ongoing battle against the forces of darkness. The widespread belief in Sieghardt's vigilant and eternal war against evil serves as a source of inspiration and hope for his followers, reinforcing their commitment to the Cult of Sieghardt.

In Sieghardt's profound and all-encompassing wisdom, he recognizes the necessity for strength in his followers, a strength that extends beyond mere physical might. The challenges that confront his favored nation, both internal and external, demand not only muscular power but also unwavering will and steadfast faith. Consequently, he directs his divine power towards his mortal champions—the formidable Warrior Priest of Sieghardt and the Templars of the Witch Hunters.

Primarily, it is faith that functions as the paramount weapon of the Empire. Steadfast in their allegiance, the warriors of the Empire resolutely confront horrors that could easily drive lesser men to madness. The mere recitation of the verses from the sacred Sieghamite prayer, known as Deus Sieghardt, is sufficient to propel them to undertake unparalleled acts of heroism.


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chosen Birth

In the era preceding the reckoning of time, Orcs freely traversed the vast expanses of the land. Darkness veiled everything, a time fraught with sorrows and impending doom. It echoed with the haunting howls of wolves, and Mankind found itself ensnared as prey. Casting their desperate gazes skyward, they implored the gods for deliverance. Miraculously, the divine responded. A radiant beacon, akin to a celestial torch, burst forth like a cosmic supernova, its brilliance illuminating the nocturnal heavens for nights on end. As eyes turned toward the celestial spectacle, a pervasive question lingered: What portent did this luminous sign convey? Fear befell the Orcs, and wolves stealthily retreated to their lairs. -Excerpt from the Legend of Sieghardt

Amidst the Theodoricings, a child emerged, a chief's progeny destined for extraordinary feats. The divine decree of the gods ordained that he would bear the name Sieghardt, a figure whose arrival had been prophesied through celestial signs. In his youth, Sieghardt valiantly faced Goblins and Orcs, standing firm when others sought refuge, wielding his father's axe to defend hearth and home. To his mother and sister, he reassured, "Fear not, dear mother; sister, be untroubled. This abode is impervious to flames, and so is our village, as long as the hand of a Man can grasp the haft of an axe." -Excerpt form the Legend of Sieghardt

Sieghardt is said to have entered the world in the year 1915 AC, within the northern territories of the Grand Duchy of Hansa, under the dominion of the formidable tribe of men called the Theodoricings. This tribe stood as one of the mightiest in Vlunia, facing competition primarily from the Parsians and the Orcs. The esteemed parentage of Sieghardt was rooted in Wichimann Theodoricing, a renowned warrior-king and the offspring of Drugo Killorc. In an age that faded into the annals of history, Drugo Killorc cleansed the lands of Men from the menace of flesh-eaters.

The arrival of the royal heir stirred jubilation within the Theodoric community, prompting Wichimann to command lavish celebrations as an expression of gratitude to the gods for this divine gift. Accompanied by revered seers who came from far and wide to interpret the omens surrounding the impending birth, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation. Despite the various insights shared, it was only when Old Varm, the eldest and most sagacious among the seers, performed a ritual involving the sacrifice of a goat and examined its entrails, that the grim reality unfolded. He revealed a haunting prophecy: both the mother and the anticipated son would meet their end during childbirth. Stricken with fear, Wichimann rallied his loyal bodyguard to embark on a quest to seek the aid of the Sage of Walshviche—an ancient wizard possessing the sole knowledge capable of saving the Theodoric king's family.

Wichimann and his entourage ventured into Walshviche—an ominous realm shrouded in darkness, deemed too perilous for the faint-hearted. Whispers suggested that its twisting paths led to the underworld. Upon reaching a marsh, the Theodoricings abandoned the cart carrying Wichimann's pregnant wife, Helda, recognizing the malevolence that saturated the very ground. Braving the heart of the marsh, where the seer supposedly resided, they discovered only a humble shack and cauldron. However, a disconcerting sight awaited them—clear blue eyes gazing from the still-bubbling broth in the cauldron, accompanied by human bones strewn around. It became apparent that Orcs had subjected the wizard to a gruesome demise, boiling him alive. In that very moment, Orcs descended from all directions, drawn by the scent of Helda's blood, their howls echoing a ruthless intent to spill more.

With a battlecry that rivaled the ferocity of Orcish roars, Wichimann thundered into the midst of the conflict, embodying the relentless determination of a man defending his most cherished. His execution of many Orcs at once was a ballet of lethal sweeps from his famed battleaxe, The Executioner. As the clash unfolded, Wichimann found himself face-to-face with the Orcish captain—a colossal, savage being towering over the battlefield. In mortal combat, the man and the Orc, age-old adversaries, grappled fiercely until Wichimann, through sheer might, brought the Orc chieftain crashing to the ground. With unbridled fury, he then tore open the Orc's throat with his bare hands.

The victory in battle was hard-won, paid with the lives of many of Wichimann's loyal guards, and the cost of salvation came too late for his wife. Rushing to Helda's side, Wichimann discovered her lifeless form, a victim of blood loss. Amidst the sorrow, a glimmer of hope revealed itself—the sight of an infant stirring at her feet, cradled in the mingled blood of Human and Orc. Grieving for the loss of his beloved and yet filled with joy at the birth of his son, the sorrowful king lifted the newborn high into the air. At that very moment, a resounding thunderclap echoed through the sky, and a celestial supernova bathed the night in an inescapable radiance. Thus came into the world Sieghardt Theodoricing, his entrance marked by the echoes of battle and the touch of Orcish blood upon his tender flesh.


Blood Day

The passing years witnessed Sieghardt's transformation into a formidable and robust warrior. Long before he approached the threshold of manhood, he had already earned a reputation as a capable and esteemed fighter, a source of immense pride for his father. Among his tribe, Sieghardt formed enduring bonds with three fellow tribesmen—Gottfried Wigeriche, Otakar, and Iwo Schweinfurt. These three warriors would later become his loyal sword-brothers, accompanying him on the journey to unify the tribes. During one summer, just before his ninth year, Sieghardt engaged in a sparring match with Gottfried. Despite being three years older, taller, and stronger, Gottfried emerged victorious, defeating the Theodoric prince. Enraged by the sting of humiliation, Sieghardt, in a moment of rash anger, swung the smelting hammer he wielded as his weapon at Gottfried's unsuspecting back, fracturing the older boy's arm.

Witnessing the anguish of his friend, Sieghardt's wrath dissipated, replaced by a profound horror at his impulsive actions. It was then that his father took him aside, imparting a crucial lesson. "All men feel anger, but to become a great leader, you must master it," the mighty king declared. "Today, you unleashed your anger on one who did not deserve it. Learn to channel your strength for the betterment of your people, not their detriment." With these words, Wichimann initiated Sieghardt onto his Blood Day, where the young prince would battle his way to the tombs of his forefathers and seek their wisdom by offering the blood.

  A goblin settlement lay between the youthful prince and his destination. After single-handedly overcoming numerous goblins, Sieghardt confronted an orc leading them—a formidable adversary for a nine-year-old warrior. Their duel was fierce, but Sieghardt emerged victorious. Continuing his journey to the tombs, he presented a bull's heart, the orc's head, and his own blood as offerings to Morr- God of Blood. As he stood within the sacred space, the portal behind him sealed with a massive boulder. Trapped, Sieghardt turned to a prayer, beseeching mighty Dyre and his honored ancestors to save him from perishing unfulfilled, offering them all that he was.

A sudden ethereal shift enveloped him. Within the bounds of this mystical space, he witnessed a haunting vision. Men, broken and scattered, were marooned on separate islands. The tribes fragmented, their strength diminished, and fear etched on their faces. The revelation struck Sieghardt with a profound understanding. It was a dire prophecy foretelling the fate of Men unless they stood united. The islands symbolized not only physical separation but also the divisions that threatened to shatter the bonds among his people. A sense of urgency seized him as he comprehended the imminent danger facing mankind—the threat of annihilation unless they could overcome their internal strife and unite against the looming darkness. This vision became a catalyst for Sieghardt's unwavering resolve. His destiny was now intricately woven with the fate of his people, and the weight of leadership pressed upon his shoulders. In that sacred moment, he vowed to forge a future where Men stood together, unbroken and resilient against the impending darkness.


Cllebraus the Wolf

Cllebraus, a wolf bestowed by the god of war, had long haunted the lands of men, claiming the life of Sieghardt's grandfather, Drugo Killorc. This menacing wolf would wreak havoc, claiming numerous lives of all those that came near. Fueled by a determination to end this perennial menace, Sieghardt convinced his sworn brothers—Gottfried, Otakar, and Iwo—to join him in this for some hare-hunting.

  Assuring his companions that they were embarking on a mere hare hunt, Sieghardt concealed the true nature of their mission. For the young Sieghardt, the elusive Cllebraus was his intended prey. Journeying to the forbidden banks of the River, where the wolf was said to lurk, the courageous quartet found themselves amidst an abundance of hares, drawn by the intimidating aura of Cllebraus.

  As the day unfolded with laughter and playful banter, a foreboding shadow cast itself upon the jovial scene. Cllebraus, the fearsome Black Wolf, stood before the youths, its size rivaling that of a horse. Undeterred, the boys swam across the river, with only Sieghardt choosing to confront the formidable creature head-on. In a fierce struggle, Sieghardt wrestled the mighty wolf, and after a monumental body slam, Cllebraus lay on its back. Rather than delivering a fatal blow, Sieghardt, with a profound gesture, dropped his sword and whispered into the wolf's ear.

  Choosing an unconventional victory, Sieghardt refrained from shedding blood. Instead, he withdrew numerous arrows and spears from the subdued Cllebraus, marking the day when the young warrior not only conquered the beast of war but also forged an unlikely understanding with the legendary wolf.

The Hammer of Sieghardt

As the years unfolded, Sieghardt's stature grew even more formidable, propelled by his unwavering vision of a united, prosperous, and powerful future for his people. Even before reaching adulthood, Sieghardt emerged as the preeminent warrior of the Theodoric. At the age of fifteen, he led a retaliatory raid against a Giant tribe that had previously attacked a Theodoric holding. The formidable chieftain of these giants was none other than the mighty Warleader Ofwar Giantfoot.

In a stroke of fate, the giant warband had taken a lone Dwarf traveler as a prisoner. Cornering the giants, the Theodoric engaged in a fierce battle. During the conflict, the dwarven traveler, held captive by the giants, observed as the young prince faced the towering Giantfoot. Despite Sieghardt's immense strength, his bronze sword failed to breach the giant's formidable defenses, while the giant's flaming club posed a constant threat to the young warrior's life.

  Seizing an opportunity, the dwarf broke free and fought his way to Ofwar's tent, where the giant had stashed the dwarf's possessions, including a formidable hammer known as the Runeforged Hammer, Blackthorn. With a torrent of curses directed at the giants, the dwarf hurled the ancient hammer towards Sieghardt, who deftly caught the weapon. The tide of the battle shifted as Sieghardt unleashed powerful strikes with Blackthorn, bringing the hulking giant to a single knee. With a decisive blow, Sieghardt shattered the giant's skull into bloody shards.

  This monumental feat, achieved with a weapon forged with Dwarfen skill, avenged their holdings and secured victory. Following the battle, Sieghardt sought to return the Runeforged Hammer to the dwarf. However, the mysterious traveler, his name lost to history, decided to bestow the ancient hammer, Blackthorn, upon Sieghardt as a gift. Without uttering another word, the dwarf departed, leaving a deed forever etched in memory.


Vashnaar's Conquest

"You shall not yield, for the vigor of your forebears runs deep within you. As the grass grows tall upon my tomb, you will rise to accomplish remarkable feats as the chieftain of the Theodoric. Fear, my son, is not a force to shun. Grasp that its sway over a man emerges from his inclination to choose the path of least resistance, to flee, to conceal. Confront it, and you shall overcome. A genuine hero never retreats when a fight beckons, never opts for the facile route over what he discerns as right. Keep this in your heart, and you shall remain resolute." -Wichimann Theodoricing, father of Sieghardt
  In the 19th year of Sieghardt's life, a formidable sea conqueror named Vashnaar, a dark elf notorious as the terror of the seas, set his sights on the shores of humanity. With conquest burning in his mind, Vashnaar, commanding a fearsome army of elite warriors from diverse corners of the world, posed a grave threat to the tribes of men. Having ravaged some other tribes, Vashnaar's impending arrival prompted Wichimann, alongside the Kengians and Vikilians, to form an alliance against this menacing foe.

  To thwart Vashnaar's advance, the tribes constructed a fortress at Siggning Bridge, a crucial crossing point. The Battle of Siggning Bridge unfolded as a clash between tribesmen, heavily armored warriors, formidable dark elven crossbowmen, monstrous creatures, heavily clad cavalry, and unprecedented war machines. The bridge resonated with the thunderous sound of war, the air filled with the deadly rain of bolts. In this intense struggle, lives were cut down like cheese, and Sieghardt, alongside his father and sword brothers, fought valiantly to hold the bridge.

  In the midst of the chaos, the Kengians identified a weakness in the heavy infantry armor, turning the tide in favor of the men. However, Vashnaar himself, mounted atop a formidable sea serpent, crashed into the heart of the battle, unleashing devastation. Wichimann, facing the sea serpent, managed to slay the beast, but Vashnaar retaliated by fatally wounding the king. Witnessing his father in peril, Sieghardt rushed to his aid, engaging in a fierce duel with the vicious dark elf. Despite sustaining numerous wounds, Sieghardt emerged victorious, launching Vashnaar's head into the air for all to witness. In the aftermath, as Wichimann bled out, he imparted his final words to his son before passing into the annals of history.


Confederation of Men

    During the arduous two-year campaign to unite the tribes, Sieghardt employed a multifaceted approach, combining combat prowess, diplomacy, storytelling, and unconventional methods to forge a strong and cohesive alliance.



The Asirgargians, a tribe centered around power, wouldn't even grant the young King an audience, the leader of the Asirgargians King Beowulf, along with the strongest warriors of the tribe sat atop the highest peak. Sieghardt, recognizing the need for a decisive solution, scaled the mountain and engaged in a duel with king beowulf, the Asirgargian leader. After a hard-fought battle, Sieghardt emerged victorious, earning the allegiance of the Asirgargians, who respected only power.



Under the rule of Queen Skadi, the female warrior Kalsace tribe demanded a unique condition for their allegiance. Queen Skadi would not join Sieghardt unless he would share a bed with her. Sieghardt agreed in order to unite the tribes. This would result in the birth of his only child Prince Sieghardt.


Kengians and Vikilians

Long-standing allies of Sieghardt's father, the Kengians and Vikilians were among the first to join his cause. The bond forged through years of mutual respect and shared victories created a solid foundation for unity. Their early allegiance provided Sieghardt with a powerful and reliable force.



The Parsians , proud and unwilling to bow before another, would not bend the knee without war. Sieghardt, forced to act, engaged in a brutal war against the Parsians and their king, king Pretor, the Parsian leader. After a hard-fought war with great loss of life, Sieghardt emerged victorious, earning the allegiance of the Parsians, who respected strength and prowess.


Prugarians and Tiberians

Diplomacy played a key role in securing the alliance of the Prugarians and Tiberians. Sieghardt, through negotiations and compromise, addressed their concerns and showcased the benefits of unity. The tribes, appreciating Sieghardt's diplomatic skills, willingly joined the growing coalition.


Viscaes and Uclès

Sieghardt's timely defense of the lands belonging to the Viscaes and Uclès against the orcish invasion created a bond of gratitude. Impressed by his commitment and actions, these tribes readily joined Sieghardt's cause, recognizing a leader who defended the weak and safeguarded their territories.



For the Tuscanians, war became the pathway to unity. Sieghardt, facing the challenge head-on, engaged in battles until the Tuscanians acknowledged his strength. After a series of conflicts, they realized the futility of resistance and chose to join forces with Sieghardt, contributing their warriors to the burgeoning alliance.


The Tlemcenians, a tribe known for their appreciation of hunting, found themselves envious of Sieghardt. They tasked Sieghardt with an impossible task of sacrificing his kin, however Sieghardt, a masterful diplomat, instead offered to fulfil a even more impossible task of venturing into a toxic forest and slaying a dragon that lurks within, the Tlemcenians were stunned and when he actually returned with the head of the dragon, the Tlemcenians bent the knee readily.

  Sieghardt's tireless efforts in understanding each tribe's unique circumstances and employing tailored strategies resulted in a diverse but united coalition. Through his exceptional leadership and ability to navigate the intricacies of tribal dynamics, Sieghardt transformed a fragmented landscape into a formidable force ready to confront any adversity. With the tribes now unitied as The Confederation of Man they were prepared to take on Gluk Blood- Axe and end his orc armies once and for all.


End of Gluk

Sieghardt fighting off Gluk's elite unit

Amidst the rugged terrain of the Krum Mountains, Sieghardt, the valiant King of men, marshaled his allies, uniting the tribes of men under the banner of The Confederation of Man. As they converged upon the ancient stronghold in the mountains, their hearts brimmed with resolve, determined to confront the orcish horde led by the fearsome Gluk Blood-Axe.

  The orcish forces, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, amassed like a tempest on the horizon, their war drums echoing through the valleys. In contrast, the tribes of men, though formidable in their own right, stood as a mere fraction against the overwhelming might of the orcs. Yet, undeterred by the daunting odds, Sieghardt and his allies pressed on, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

  As the battle erupted in a frenzied clash of steel and fury, the tribes of men found themselves outmatched by the relentless onslaught of the orcish horde. Wave after wave, they fought valiantly, but the sheer ferocity of the orcs proved too much to bear. Forced to retreat, the men fled for their lives towards the fort at the passage of the mountains, pursued relentlessly by the bloodthirsty orcs.

  In the midst of the chaos, Sieghardt, wielding his unbreakable rune-forged blackthorn hammer, stood resolute against the tide of foes, his every strike a testament to his unyielding courage. Yet, in a moment of disbelief, his trusted weapon shattered in his hand, leaving him vulnerable to the merciless onslaught of the orcish horde.

  As Sieghardt fell, his allies watched in horror from atop the fortress walls, their spirits crushed by the apparent demise of their leader. His body laid still on the ground, as some orcs came to eat his corpse, they were pushed forward to allow Gluk to feast on his body. As Gluk was just about to feast on Sieghardt's remains, a miraculous turn of events unfolded, divine light enveloped Sieghardt's fallen form, heralding his rebirth with the blessings of the gods.

  Amidst the radiant glow, the shattered remnants of Sieghardt's blackthorn hammer coalesced into a magnificent new form, infused with the power of the divine. Transformed from a black rune dwarven hammer, to a golden dwarven rune godly hammer, the legendary god hammer Ghal Maraz was born, Sieghardt rose from the ashes of defeat, his spirit renewed and his resolve unshaken.

  With Ghal Maraz in hand, Sieghardt unleashed his divine fury upon the orcish horde, his every strike decimating thousands in their ranks with unparalleled precision and power. Inspired by their king's miraculous return, the tribes of men rallied to his side, their faith restored in the face of overwhelming adversity.

  As Gluk Blood-Axe, the dreaded orcish warlord, sought to claim victory through combat, Sieghardt met his challenge head-on, their clash echoing across the battlefield like thunder. In a fierce duel of titanic proportions, in their duel they were surrounded by Orcs and men clashing at each other. After a lengthy duel and battle. Sieghardt overwhelmed the blood-axe. With a final blow of his hammer, Gluk's head teared from his head, but not fully, Sieghardt walked over to his barely attached head and ripped it from his body with his bare hand. He then rose the head of Gluk high in the air for all to see. The orcs witnessing their mighty overlord dead, began to flee in the hundreds of thousands, and then Sieghardt rose his hammer into the air and proclaimed their victory upon evil and under the divine gaze of the gods.


Birth of the Empire

"Yes, united. I cannot embark on this journey alone; I require the presence of my sword-brothers by my side. Pledge with me, my comrades. Pledge that henceforth, every action we take will be dedicated to realizing the vision of a united Empire of Man." -Sieghardt Heldenhammer, the first Emperor
  Following the decisive triumph over Gluk Blood-Axe and the subsequent era of peace among the tribes, the Confederation of Man underwent a profound metamorphosis. Unified by a shared vision and inspired by the charismatic leadership of Sieghardt, the tribes collectively decided to forge a centralized government, birthing The Empire of Man.

  Acknowledged as a hero and held in reverence by his people, Sieghardt ascended to the illustrious position of the first Emperor of Man. Endowed with exceptional leadership acumen, strategic brilliance, and divine blessings, he emerged as the perfect leader to navigate the nascent empire through the tumultuous era of the Great God War.

  Under Sieghardt's visionary rule, the Empire of Man experienced unprecedented growth and territorial expansion. The once-disparate tribes joined forces, collaborating to reconstruct their society and erect a formidable nation. The empire's borders extended, enveloping vast territories that had previously borne the scars of conflict and disorder.

  As Emperor, Sieghardt prioritized the establishment of stability and prosperity for his people. He implemented judicious policies, focusing on infrastructure development, fostering trade, and fortifying the empire's defenses with a potent military force. His emphasis on unity among diverse tribes cultivated a shared identity and common purpose.

  The Empire of Man, under Sieghardt's sagacious governance, emerged as a sanctuary of civilization and order amid the tumult of the Great God War. It served as a refuge for its citizens and stood as a resilient bulwark against encroaching darkness. Flourishing under Sieghardt's enlightened leadership, the people witnessed improved lives as the empire prospered.


Death of the Undead

Sieghardt dueling the Liche Lord

Wielding the awe-inspiring Ghal Maraz, Sieghardt confronted Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God and his ceaseless undead horde in a climactic battle. The potency of Ghal Maraz proved itself against the undead, thwarting their resurrection and cleaving through their ranks with unparalleled force. Sieghardt's indomitable fury and unyielding resolve shifted the balance, driving back the hordes that had left desolation in their wake. The Liche Lord ruled from his seat of power in the heard of Nakhan.

  For decades, Sieghardt led the charge north against the undead armies, tirelessly pursuing and vanquishing them wherever they sought to spread their darkness. His unwavering courage and martial prowess kindled renewed hope and vigor among the forces of The Three Goddesses, who fought alongside him. As Sieghardt won battle after battle, the empire grew larger and larger, as Sieghardt steadily made his way to Nebuchadnezzar.

  The culmination approached as Sieghardt stood face to face with Nebuchadnezzar at the bastion of his undead might, a pivotal battleground in the war. Carrying the weight of his people's hopes and wielding the mighty Ghal Maraz, Sieghardt engaged in a duel with unwavering determination.

  During the intense clash of strength and will, a critical moment emerged. Sieghardt, tempted by the malevolent power of the Crown of Sorcery, wore the crown briefly. The allure of necromancy and the corrupting influence of the crown began to cloud his vision. However, in a moment of clarity and resistance to the seduction of evil, Sieghardt cast the Crown of Sorcery aside. This act of defiance and sacrifice demonstrated his unyielding commitment to righteousness. The duel itself was a ballet of swordplay and magical clashes. Nebuchadnezzar, fueled by dark sorcery, sought to corrupt Sieghardt and bend him to the will of the undead. Sieghardt, resolute in his determination, skillfully parried and countered every necromantic assault. The battlefield crackled with magic, and the clash of their weapons echoed through the air. Nebuchadnezzar's greed for the Crown of Sorcery clouded his judgment. Sieghardt, seizing the opportunity, threw the coveted crown aside, revealing Nebuchadnezzar's vulnerability. With a masterful stroke, Sieghardt struck the finishing blow, bringing an end to the undead king's reign of terror.

  The defeat of Nebuchadnezzar marked a turning point in the Great God War, redirecting the focus toward the main adversary, Babel- God of War. With the undead weakened and their master vanquished, Sieghardt, as the main warleader leading the empire and the forces of The Three Goddesses, turned their determined gaze toward the final and greatest threat, renewing the hope for victory in the war that would determine the fate of humanity.

Godslayer of the Godslayer

  Sieghardt sailed his armies arcross the sea to rid Babel- God of War of all his lands, another brutal and bloody campagin followed. After several decades, Babel and his last remaining forces remained in the Bloodlands, this land would be where the final battle of the war would take place, or just be another of many battles in this deadly war. As the titanic clash between Sieghardt and Babel unfolded on the battlefield of Storm's Hold, the very fabric of reality seemed to tremble. Babel, the god of war, unleashed a torrent of destructive power, indiscriminately cutting down foes and allies alike, a whirlwind of unparalleled martial prowess. Into this maelstrom stepped Sieghardt, the god-emperor, prepared to face Babel head-on. The clash of their divine powers echoed across dimensions, creating a spectacle that would be recounted in the annals of myth. The battlefield became a theater of godly might, with Sieghardt wielding Ghal Maraz, channeling its divine essence to deliver powerful blows against the god of war.

  The duel between Sieghardt and Babel unfolded as a cosmic ballet, a dance of godly forces that transcended mortal comprehension. Lightning crackled as their weapons collided, and shockwaves rippled through the very fabric of existence. The forces of light and darkness collided with such ferocity that it seemed as if the heavens and the earth were engaged in a cataclysmic struggle for supremacy.

  Sieghardt, fueled by unwavering resolve and the divine might of Ghal Maraz, stood resolute against Babel's onslaught. Blow after blow was exchanged, each strike carrying the weight of godly power. The clash of their weapons echoed like thunder, and the ground beneath them quaked with the intensity of their struggle.

  After what felt like an eternity, Sieghardt, with a surge of godly strength, delivered a monumental blow with Ghal Maraz, striking a decisive blow against Babel. The god of war, vanquished, fell beneath the crushing weight of the mighty hammer. Sieghardt, triumphant, raised Ghal Maraz high, proclaiming victory to all who bore witness.

  Yet, Ghal Maraz slipped from Sieghardt's grasp, falling to the ground. Sieghardt, too, succumbed to the wounds incurred during the titanic clash. The god-emperor and the god of war, through their mutual destruction, brought an end to the Great God War.

  The war-weary world stood witness to the dramatic conclusion, marked by the simultaneous demise of two godly titans. The sacrifices made and the legends forged during this epochal conflict would be eternally remembered, shaping the destiny of the realms for ages to come.

Divine Classification
Mortal God
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Emperor of Man
Ender of All Wars
Slayer of War
Champion of Heaven
The First God
The First Emperor
Uniter of All Men
The Legendary Hero
The Greatest Mortal
The Chosen One
Denier of Fates
Hammer of the Goblins
Champion of Life and Death
Emperor of Skulls
Destinied One
Father of the Empire
Hammerer of the Axe
The Great Hero
Mighty Hammer
Lord of Hammers
Cutter of Long Ears
Crusher of Goblins
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
5th of Homara
1915 AC 2000 AC 85 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born in the thick of battle
Circumstances of Death
Died from his wounds with his battle with Babel
Place of Death
Long Flowing Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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