Gluk Blood-Axe Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Gluk Blood-Axe

"They say if you drink drake blood you get special powers. I drank from a puddle of drake blood after a battle, and all it did was make me shrakh myself". -Gluk Blood-Axe

The only Orc Overlord during the Great God War. He was present in Vlunia/ modern day Rodinia. He unleashed great bloodletting upon his enemies and his followers too shared in his unquenchable bloodlust.

After uniting the orc tribes of the region, he would unleash his carnage unto the neighboring peoples and nations, one of these being the newly formed The Confederation of Man. After several engagements between the two sides, Gluk would be defeated by Sieghardt- God Emperor at the passing of the Krum Mountains.

Gluk is now revered amongst the Orc Deities as the patron deity of the Slaughter Tribe. He is represents bloodthrist, bloodletting, cannibalism and all things blood.

Tenets of Faith

Gluk Blood-Axe is worshipped by the Slaughter Tribe because of his intense lust for blood. Spilling or oozing it, blood was the entire purpose of Gluk's living.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Life of the Blood-Axe

Once, in the rugged hinterlands, there lived a young Orc named Gluk. Born into a tribe known for its ferocity in battle, Gluk was destined for greatness from the moment he drew his first breath. As he grew, Gluk's prowess with the axe became legendary among his kin, his every swing cleaving through foes with unmatched precision and power.

It was during a fateful raid on a rival orc tribe that Gluk earned his fearsome moniker. Amidst the chaos of battle, Gluk found himself locked in single combat with the rival tribe's warchief, a hulking brute known for his skill with the blade. As their axes clashed in a shower of sparks, Gluk felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins as more and more blood was spilled, his every strike fueled by the fire of battle.

  For hours, the two warriors fought with unmatched ferocity, their blows echoing across the battlefield as they vied for supremacy. But in the end, it was Gluk who emerged victorious, his axe bathed in the blood of his fallen foe. As he stood triumphant amidst the carnage, he drank from the blood on his axe, his fellow tribesmen took up the chant of "Gluk Blood-Axe," their voices ringing out in praise of their new Orc Captain's martial prowess.

  From that day forth, Gluk was known by his new title, a name that struck fear into the hearts of his enemies and commanded the respect of all who crossed his path. With the title of Blood-Axe, Gluk would slay his warchief and take his place as leader of the tribes, but his ambition was as large as his hunger for blood, he would then go on to unite the scattered orc tribes of the region, forging them into a formidable horde called the BloodCruzherz that would shake the very foundations of the world with its relentless march to conquest. And though many would rise to challenge his rule, none could deny the indomitable spirit of Gluk Blood-Axe, the orcish warlord whose name would be whispered in awe and dread for centuries to come.

Gluk Blood-Axe, the legendary Orc Overlord, began his storied journey in the rugged lands of modern-day The Republic of Gondar, where he arose as a formidable leader among the scattered orc tribes of the region. With a vision of unity and bloody conquest burning in his heart, Gluk embarked on a relentless campaign to unite the disparate orcish clans under his banner, forging a fearsome alliance of warriors bound by blood and battle.

Having solidified his power base, Gluk set his sights on expanding his dominion, and thus he launched a brutal assault on the Wood Elf people that dwelled within the ancient forests of the realm. With unmatched ferocity and overwhelming numbers, Gluk's orcish hordes descended upon the elven lands, laying waste to their settlements and driving them into retreat before the might of his axe.

  Buoyed by his early victories, Gluk turned his attention to the Human tribes that inhabited the western reaches of the land, swiftly conquering their territories and subjugating them under his iron rule. The conquered humans were forced to bend the knee to Gluk's authority, their lands plundered and their freedoms stripped away by the relentless onslaught of the orcish horde.

  Emboldened by his conquests, Gluk set his sights on the Myst Forest inhabited by the Gnome and High Elf people, recognizing the strategic importance of its resources and the threat posed by its inhabitants. With ruthless determination, Gluk's armies laid siege to the forest, felling millions of ancient trees to fuel their war machine and driving the defenders to the brink of extinction in a bloody and protracted conflict.

  Undeterred by the challenges he faced, Gluk marched his forces into the treacherous lands of Dunbad, seeking to subjugate the orc and Beastfolk tribes that dwelled there and expand his influence even further. Despite facing fierce resistance from the native inhabitants, Gluk's overwhelming might proved decisive, and soon the tribes of Dunbad fell before his relentless advance. However, it was during his campaign in the northlands that Gluk discovered the existence of special powers granted by the consumption of drake blood, the drakes that dwelled there were a sweat treasure for the blood hungry lord. Intrigued by the prospect of acquiring such power for himself, Gluk led his armies northward, waging war on the Goths people and seeking to harness the ancient magic that lay hidden within their lands.

  Meanwhile, Gluk's trusted Orc Warchiefs launched devastating assaults on the lands of the mindenlands and the southlands of The Confederation of Man, further expanding the reach of his empire and spreading fear and chaos in their wake. However, Gluk's ambitions would ultimately lead to his downfall, as his relentless march to the Krum Mountains brought him into direct conflict with the mighty Sieghardt- God Emperor himself. In a climactic battle at the passage of the Krum Mountains, Gluk's forces were defeated, and the legendary Orc overlord met his end at the hands of his formidable foe. With Gluk's death, his once-mighty empire crumbled into chaos and disarray, leaving behind a legacy of conquest and destruction that would echo through the annals of history for generations to come.

Chaotic Evil
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Death
1943 AC
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the God-Emperor
Somewhere in the modern day The Republic of Gondar
Place of Death
Krum Mountains
Aligned Organization

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