Star Dragon Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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Star Dragon

Star Dragons, born from the Azure Dragons or Celestial Dragons, are formidable creatures known for their physical strength and endurance. While slightly weaker in magical abilities compared to their celestial ancestors, Star Dragons compensate with their exceptional physical prowess. Star Dragons possess a larger and more muscular build compared to Azure Dragons. Their scales shimmer with a radiant, starry hue, resembling the night sky adorned with twinkling celestial bodies. These majestic creatures have imposing wings that span wide, granting them impressive aerial agility and allowing them to traverse great distances with ease.   While their magical abilities may be more limited, Star Dragons still possess a certain level of proficiency in spellcasting. They can wield elemental magic, although not to the same extent as Azure Dragons. Their spells often focus on elemental manipulation and augmentation, allowing them to enhance their physical abilities or unleash elemental attacks.   The true strength of Star Dragons lies in their physical attributes. They are incredibly strong, capable of delivering powerful blows and withstanding tremendous amounts of damage. Their endurance and resilience make them formidable adversaries on the battlefield, capable of enduring prolonged conflicts and outlasting their opponents.   In addition to their physical strength, Star Dragons also possess sharp claws and teeth, which they use to great effect in close-quarters combat. They can rend through armor and defenses with ease, making them fearsome opponents in melee confrontations.   Despite their physical might, Star Dragons still retain a certain level of intelligence and wisdom inherited from their Azure/Celestial Dragon lineage. While not as renowned for their magical expertise, they possess a deep understanding of battle tactics and strategy. This allows them to make calculated decisions during combat, maximizing their advantages and exploiting their opponents' weaknesses.   Encountering a Star Dragon is a sight to behold, as their radiant presence and formidable stature inspire both awe and respect. Their celestial origins are evident in their majestic appearance and their ability to evoke a sense of wonder. Whether engaging in aerial battles, leading troops into war, or defending their territories, Star Dragons embody strength, resilience, and a majestic presence that commands reverence from all who witness them.
It is not known how the first Star Dragons came to be, but it believed that they roamed the stars and obtained their power. Star Dragons are born from Azure or Celestial Dragons and are the youngest and most numerous of the three celestial dragons. From birth to the age of around 2000, they are Star Dragons. They are very similar to their other dragon kin in looks but not in power, being the third strongest dragon from birth. They are baby Celestial Dragons and can do what they can on a much smaller scale, but a star dragon is still a force to be feared.
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species

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