Azure Dragon Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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Azure Dragon

Azure Dragons or also known as Arcane Dragons, the younger counterparts of Celestial Dragons and a older Star Dragon , possess a unique blend of magical prowess and enchanting presence. While not as physically strong as their celestial kin, they compensate with exceptional mastery over various branches of magic.                                                                                                 Azure Dragons are known for their exceptional magical abilities, surpassing most other dragon types in terms of spellcasting proficiency. They possess an affinity for harnessing and manipulating magical energies, allowing them to weave intricate spells with ease. Their spells often revolve around elemental magic, illusions, enchantments, and mystic forces.     These dragons excel in different schools of magic, ranging from elemental manipulation to illusionary arts and beyond. They can summon and control elemental forces such as fire, ice, lightning, and wind, unleashing devastating spells upon their adversaries. Their proficiency in illusions enables them to deceive and confuse their foes, making them formidable opponents in battles.   Despite their relative youth, Azure Dragons exhibit remarkable wisdom and intelligence. They possess a deep understanding of the arcane arts and the intricacies of magic. This knowledge grants them a strategic edge in combat, allowing them to employ their magical abilities with precision and foresight.   In terms of physical appearance, Azure Dragons bear striking similarities to Celestial Dragons. They possess a majestic and awe-inspiring presence, with shimmering azure scales that radiate a soft glow. Their body spanning long but not as much as Celestial Dragons, enabling them to soar through the skies with grace and agility. Azure Dragons have an elegant and noble demeanor, reflecting their connection to the magical forces they command.   Azure Dragons are often seen as wise and knowledgeable beings, sought after for their magical expertise and guidance. They are known to be guardians of ancient magical secrets and repositories of mystical knowledge. Many seek their counsel and tutelage to gain insights into the mysteries of magic.   Encountering an Azure Dragon is a rare and enchanting experience. Their magical aura and captivating presence leave a lasting impression on those who witness their majestic form. Whether they are wielding their spells in the midst of battle or imparting their wisdom to seekers of knowledge, Azure Dragons stand as impressive symbols of magical power and arcane wisdom.
A Star Dragon has wings like it's fellow dragons, but upon reaching 2000+ in age a star dragon will ascend to a Azure Dragon. Star Dragons are exceptional in physical combat and dabble a bit into spellcasting. But when they become an Azure Dragon, they will forgo their wings and their scales will change in color, which will enhance their magic capabilities.
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