The Republic of Gondar Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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The Republic of Gondar (Gone-dar)

The Republic of Gondar is a nation that borders Mordred, Vermilla, Stampsa, Elven Confederacy, The Witchwood and The Lake of Ale. Gondar is a trade republic that experiences a large amount of trade from the surrounding nations. They also serve as a buffer state between Mordred and Vermilla. Gondar has been a place for decades but only recently obtained independence. Gondar is ruled by the Council of Freemen, 12 men that are all elected by the people of Gondar and the capital is Gondar City. The current head Freeman is Discantus who leads the council with his wisdom. Due to the high amount of trade flowing in and out Gondar it is rampant with bandits looking to raid caravans in this wealthy place. Gondar has no military and had no way to combat this, and thus employed the help of foreign nations. It allows foreign nations to spread their influence within Gondar and in turn must protect Gondar if needed. This includes Holy Orders such as The Order of the Sun, Embassies like the Vermillion Embassy and several guilds. Gondar is probably the second most free place only to the Yang, They have no official religion, language or race. All races are welcomed in Gondar and religions. Due to the heavy trade focus in Gondar, the most common profession is merchant.   The people are referred as Gondarian


A trade culture is present in this society. Merchants our wary
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Ruling Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Transnational government
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories

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