Vikilians Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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Vikilians (Vi-Kill-lians)

One of the twelve Human tribes of The Confederation of Man. They would later become the nation of Arnheim.

The Vikilians were a people that resided west of the Krum Mountains and resided as far as the Gobiland. They were a battle-hardened and zealous people, and being in the open plains made them great horse masters. They worshipped Morr- God of Blood, Reseyr, Chimagi, Baalzaac, Dyre and Uva of the Old Rodinia Pantheon.

Just like the Kengians, the Vikilians were long time allies of Sieghardt- God Emperor's father Wichimann Theodoricing. They had at one point tried to invade but were defeated by Wichimann at the Krum Mountains, later they feasted with each other and grew a strong bond that would last even after the death of Wichimann and on towards his heir, they would aid Sieghardt in his quest to unify the tribes.

Their capital was called Urslin, then it's name was changed to the City of Arnheim.
Geopolitical, Tribe

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