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Arnheim, also known as the "Tall Province" is a founding Imperial Province of The Empire of Man, descendant from the Vikilians, Arnheim is one of the midland provinces and an important one at that. 

Arnheim is a province unlike any other within the empire. Surrounded by towering mountain ranges, it stands as a natural fortress, its borders protected by the rugged and imposing peaks that form its periphery. This mountainous terrain provides Arnheim with both strategic advantages and unique challenges, shaping the culture and lifestyle of its inhabitants in profound ways.

The landscape of Arnheim is dominated by its mountains, which are among the tallest and most formidable in the empire. These mountains are rich in mineral resources, including precious metals like gold and silver, as well as vast deposits of iron and coal. The province is also home to deep, lush valleys where small communities have carved out a living, making use of the fertile soil and abundant water from mountain streams.

Arnheim's economy is heavily reliant on mining. The mountains are riddled with mines that produce a wealth of minerals, making Arnheim a key supplier of raw materials for the empire. The province is renowned for its skilled miners and blacksmiths, who have perfected their crafts over generations. The high-quality metals extracted and forged in Arnheim are sought after throughout the empire, contributing significantly to its wealth.

In addition to mining, Arnheim has a burgeoning trade in gemstones. The province’s gem cutters are famed for their precision and artistry, transforming rough stones into dazzling jewels that adorn the nobility and clergy of the empire. These gemstones are often traded in bustling markets and exported to distant lands, bringing further prosperity to Arnheim.

Strategically, Arnheim is of immense importance to the empire. Its natural fortifications make it a formidable barrier against any would-be invaders. The mountain passes that provide access to the province are heavily guarded, and the local militia is well-trained in mountain warfare. The province’s fortresses, built into the very rock of the mountains, are nearly impregnable, making Arnheim a vital stronghold in the empire’s defense network.

Despite its rugged exterior, Arnheim places a high value on education and innovation. The province boasts several renowned academies where the sciences of geology and metallurgy are studied extensively. These institutions attract scholars and engineers from across the empire, fostering a culture of learning and technological advancement.

Life in Arnheim is not without its challenges. The mountainous terrain makes agriculture difficult, limiting the amount of arable land available for farming. As a result, Arnheimers have developed innovative methods of terrace farming and rely heavily on trade to supplement their food supplies. The harsh winters and unpredictable weather also pose significant obstacles, requiring the people to be well-prepared and adaptable.


The people of Arnheim are as hardy and resilient as the mountains they inhabit. They are known for their stoic and practical nature, shaped by the harsh conditions and demanding work of their environment. Life in the mountains requires a high degree of self-sufficiency and ingenuity, and Arnheimers are renowned for their resourcefulness and tenacity. Arnheim has a rich cultural heritage, with traditions that have been passed down through the centuries. Festivals celebrating the natural beauty and bountiful resources of the mountains are common, featuring music, dance, and feasting. The province is also home to ancient stone fortresses and watchtowers that serve as a reminder of its strategic importance and storied past.


Major Exports:
Metals and Ores
Timber and Wood Products
Crafted Goods


During the Era of Turmoil, the provinces of Arnheim, Hansa, and Aachen united to form the Bert Empire(also known as the Arn Empire). Because of the natural protection of Arnheim, the City of Arnheim was it's capital and it would never fall until the Great War of Undeath.

Some time around the early 14th millenia, the Imperial Prince of Arnheim was the also the Imperial Prince of Aachen, something that had never happened before under normal circumstances. But he would give up the Imperial Province of Aachen to his youngest son, but he kept a large portion of Aachen and ruled from there. He ruled for a quarter of a century and when he died, his lands pasted to his eldest son. The territories of Aachen were not returned to Aachen and were held by right. This is the reason why Arnheim was split into two seperate parts and why when all of natural Arnheim land was taken during the Bloody War, that it was still alive and well.

Towards the end of year in 15001 AC, Arnheim was engulfed in a rebellion between the ruling house and several noble families, which were led by Count German. German would be victorious and proclaim the Grand County of Germany as an independent nation, this would mark the end of Arnheim as of this date.


Destroyed by Count German.

Honor, Valor, and Might

Dissolution Date
15002 AC
Geopolitical, Duchy
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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