Viscaes Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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Viscaes (Fis-cass)

One of the twelve tribes of The Confederation of Man. Later they would become the nation of Triaus.

The Viscaes were a people that lived south of the Uclès, they were a people of justice, honor, codes and freedom, they worshipped Dobrava, Freya and Shad of the Old Rodinia Pantheon.

When Sieghardt- God Emperor came to their lands, they had already heard of his exploits and offered to join him if he would tell them the tales of his great feats. Sieghardt accepted and offered to join them in the defense of the Dunbad tribes invasion. Over a fire, with mead in hand, Sieghardt told the eager Viscaes of his mighty feats and his divine revelation and mission. The Viscaes hearing of the mighty hero's stories inspired them all, making them eager to swear their loyalty to him immediately in blood, and become apart of his epic saga.

The capital of the Viscaes was known as Brava, but it is now known as Neiw.
Geopolitical, Tribe

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