Uclès Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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Uclès (U-Klees)

One of the twelve Human tribes that made up The Confederation of Man. The Uclès would later become the nation of Hessmark.

The Uclès were a stalwart people, great hunters, masters of wood, self reliance and prosperity of their realm. They worshipped Uva, Dyre, Reseyr and Shad of the Old Rodinia Pantheon.

The Orc and Beastfolk tribes of the Dunbad hearing of the coming of Gluk Blood- Axe invaded to match his might, thousands upon thousands of orcs descended onto the Uclès who tried to defend against their overwhelming might, but were no match for their supreme power and numbers. Sieghardt- God Emperor would march down with his army and come to the defense of the Uclès against the invaders. After driving them back to the Dunbad, the Uclès would join Sieghardt, for him saving their people.

The capital of the Uclès was called Unswick, and it is now known as Vohenmold.
Geopolitical, Tribe

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