Oros The Battle of the Spire
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The Battle of the Spire

Military: Battle


The fall of Yubel, Archlord Kristya and Bellerophon

In the battle of the spire, Archlord Kristya and Bellerophon engaged in a fierce duel while leading their respective forces. However, the sudden reappearance of Yubel, who had been absent for years, changed the course of the battle. Yubel joined the fray, fighting against the weakened Kristya and Bellerophon. The clash between the three resulted in widespread devastation, with innocent bystanders falling victim to the brutal confrontation.   Yubel would strike and kill the two lords at the same time with it's dragon-like arms, but despite their weakened states, On their final breath Kristya and Bellerophon managed to strike Yubel with the last ounce of their power , causing Yubel to disintegrate into dust. Their deaths marked the end of their reign as the lords of light and darkness, respectively.   Asophiel, having witnessed the fall of Yubel and the demise of the two leaders, arrived at the scene and collected the remnants of Yubel. The world was left to recover from the aftermath of the battle, with the absence of the lords of light and darkness leaving a void in the power dynamics of the war-torn continent.

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