Oros Night no Longer
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Night no Longer



Bellerophon is defeated and a new era comes with it

In the wake of the prolonged cataclysm and Bellerophon's rule of darkness, Hestia and Holactie, weakened by the absence of light, devised a plan to restore balance and bring an end to the oppressive reign. Hestia, granted with newfound power, created three powerful entities known as the Three Goddesses. These goddesses were tasked with the formidable mission of defeating Bellerophon and restoring light to the world.   The Three Goddesses embarked on a prolonged battle against Bellerophon, using their combined strength and the pure power of light to confront the darkness that had engulfed the planet. Through their unwavering determination and sacrifice, they ultimately succeeded in vanquishing Bellerophon, ensuring his eternal defeat and removing his oppressive influence from the world.   As the power of the Three Goddesses prevailed, the sky gradually began to lighten, offering a glimmer of hope and a promising sign of the dawn of a new era. The healing energy of light permeated the earth, reviving the dormant life and renewing the vitality of the land that had suffered for a millennium.   With the defeat of Bellerophon and the return of light, the races emerged from the shadows, witnessing the rekindling of the sun's rays after a thousand years of darkness. This marked the beginning of a new era, aptly named the Era of Gods, as the influence and power of the divine became evident once again.   Under the guidance of the Three Goddesses and the restored presence of light, the world began to heal and rebuild. The races, filled with renewed hope and determination, set out to forge a better future, drawing upon the lessons learned from the cataclysm and the oppressive rule of Bellerophon.   The Era of Gods symbolized a turning point, an opportunity for growth, and a chance to establish harmony and balance in a world scarred by devastation. The races, united under the shared purpose of rebuilding, embraced the divine presence and the guidance offered by the Three Goddesses, striving to create a world where peace, prosperity, and the everlasting light of hope would prevail.

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