The Three Goddesses Character in Oros | World Anvil
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The Three Goddesses

The Keepers of Peace

"In the annals of history, we reflect upon the age when The Three Goddesses graced our world. Born from the divine hands of Hestia to vanquish the shroud of eternal night cast by Bellerophon, these benevolent deities ushered in an era of unparalleled growth and prosperity. For nine millennia, they held the scepter of peace, their watchful eyes ensuring that darkness never again swallowed the radiance of day." - an imperial scholar
The Three Goddesses, also known as the "Beacons of Light and Order", the "Rainers of Anew", the "Vanquishers of Time", "the Trinty Goddesses", and the "Enders of Night" are the first of the New Gods. They are the gods of peace, order, balance, burdens, justice, hope, illumination and salvation.

The Three Goddesses, born from the divine essence of Hestia - The Bringer of Light, emerged as beacons of light and order in the aftermath of Solomon - God of Life's death and the world's plunge into the Cataclysm. They were tasked with the formidable mission of countering Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa's malevolent influence, they were bestowed with unwavering determination and an indomitable spirit. Their purpose was clear—to restore light, peace, and order to a world shrouded in darkness and turmoil.

The Three Goddesses, their names lost to history are the embodiment of Hestia's desire for peace. They were created to defeat Bellerophon and end the 1000 year long darkness, and with his demise at their hands in a fierce and relentless battle, the darken skies would be pierced by the sun's gaze after a millenia. The cataclysm was the time of darkness and what followed would be an Era of Light, the Era of Gods was a time of deities and immortals walking amongst all walks of life. Following a time of tyranny under Bellerophon this new era would be ruled by The Three Goddesses, they served as the peacekeepers of the world and ensuring that no evil like Bellerophon would be allowed to reign supreme, any great enemy would be put down by the divine might of The Three Goddesses.


"Daughters of my divine flame, born from the radiant light of the lightweaver, your emergence heralds a sacred charge. As embodiments of virtues woven into the very fabric of being, your mission transcends the realms. Your golden light shall illuminate the path of hope; wield the fires of justice to restore order in the hearts of worlds; let the soothing waters of compassion heal the wounds of the ravaged lands. In unity, you stand as beacons against encroaching shadows. Navigate the vines of fate with grace, for your purpose extends beyond the stars. Go forth, my manifestations of light, and let the radiance of your purpose dispel the prince of darkness that threatens existence." -Hestia, Bringer of Light

With the death of Solomon - God of Life, The Celestial War would come to an end and the world was engulfed in total darkness with the world asunder from all forms of disasters. The Cataclysm was a time of great extinction and worldly change. Hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tornandos, meteors and every other conceived catastrophe. The once supercontinent of Primoria ripped apart, the darkened sky from the volcanic ash. Death was an hourly occurrence and few would survive this era.

 For 250 years the light from the sun would never touch Oros.  It was because of this that at this time Hestia - The Bringer of Light and Holactie - The Creator of Light were at their weakest state. Because of the lack of light they had no attachment to Oros and had no way of being empowered by worship, and sunlight would become a myth. The Cataclysm was an event that not only brought the end of countless species but was a brutal blow to the light goddesses. But the signs of the world healing were starting to appear, the disasters became less frequent and the slight glimmer of sunlight pierced the shrinking clouds. The end of this shortlived dark era would be splendid for the light goddesses and mortals alike.

But after almost 3000 years of death, the death-defying Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa would make his unholy return. In a world devoid of life and confrontation, Bellerophon had free reign to do as he pleased and as the harbinger of Aaglafa, he would ensure it that it would come. Bellerophon returned during the signs of healing 250 years since the start of the cataclysm and under his dark power would enshroud the world in total darkness. The world once more was set into chaos with the disasters returning tenfold. At the helm of this new cataclysm was Bellerophon who ruled and prospered in this dark world. The cataclysm would continue for an additional 750 years. Even more death and suffering, the light goddesses weakened greatly. Hestia and Holactie needed to end the cataclysm and bring light back to the world and thus Bellerophon must die. Holactie would grant her divine power to Hestia, she would use this granted power to create The Three Goddesses. They were created directly from the light of Holactie by Hestia and by her design, the trio were fueled with immense radiant power. These goddesses were tasked with the formidable mission of defeating Bellerophon and restoring light to the world.

Each of The Three Goddesses is a distinct manifestation of divine power, and together they form an indomitable triumvirate dedicated to bringing hope and balance to the world, and although their names are forgotton, their striking characteristics and mannerisms set them apart.

The Goddess with golden hair is the goddess of illumination and the leader amongst the three. She is the radiant embodiment of light and clarity. With a countenance that mirrors the brilliance of the sun, her golden hair flows like streams of sunlight, and her eyes radiate wisdom. She is the guiding force, illuminating the path for the lost and enveloping the world in the warm embrace of dawn. Her presence dispels shadows and instills hope, and her benevolence is the driving force behind the resurgence of light. She is benevolent and optimistic out of the three, she embodies the essence of light and illumination. She is a bringer of hope, inspiring mortals to strive for goodness and enlightenment. Her actions are guided by a genuine desire to dispel darkness and foster growth and understanding.

The Goddess with red hair is the goddess of order and the most vocal amongst the three. She stands as the pillar of order in the divine trio. Her regal bearing and stoic demeanor reflect the unwavering stability she imparts to the world. Adorned in resplendent armor that gleams with celestial radiance, She is the guardian of worldly balance. Her essence resonates with the harmonious dance of the planet, ensuring that the natural order of the universe remains undisturbed. She is extremely vocal, militant and regarded as rowdy, but this is due to her extreme zeal towards justice. She is seen as authoritative, disciplined and the warrior goddess of the trio. She is viciously committed to maintaining order and balance in Oros. She is a force of justice and law, ensuring that chaos is kept in check. Her interactions are marked by a sense of authority and strength, and she often provides guidance on matters of structure and order.

The Goddess with blue hair is the goddess of salvation. She is the compassionate soul, the embodiment of salvation and redemption. Her ethereal presence is marked by gentle serenity and healing energy. Clad in robes that seem to weave the threads of hope, she extends her nurturing hands to mend the wounds inflicted by the cataclysmic events. She is the goddess of renewal, heralding a new era of growth and prosperity. She is compassionate and seen as a motherly figure for the masses, with her nurturing ways. She is the embodiment of healing and salvation. She is compassionate towards the suffering of mortals and works to bring solace and redemption. Her demeanor is calming, and her actions are driven by a deep love for all living things, striving to save them from despair and destruction.

Divine Domains

The divine domains of The Three Goddesses are peace, order, balance, burdens, justice, hope, illumination and salvation.

As the keepers of peace, they are emboldened by tranquilty in the world. As long as they fulfil their sacred duty they are empowered.


Tenets of Faith

Those that follow The Three Goddesses are those that are similar in characteristics to whichever of the three they serve.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Maintain peace and prosperity in the world

Mental characteristics

Personal history

"Take heart, dear allies! The light has come to guide you through this battle! We will not fall this day!" - The Three Goddesses, during a battle in The Great God War

In the wake of darkness and chaos that followed the death of Solomon - God of Life the world yearned for salvation. It was during these dire times that the Three Goddess emerged as the saviors, bringing light and hope back to a world shrouded in darkness and turmoil.

  Born from the divine essence of Hestia - The Bringer of Light , the Three Goddess were brought into existence to counteract the malevolent influence that had cast the world into eternal darkness. Their purpose was clear: to restore light, peace, and order to a world torn apart by the Cataclysm and the return of Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa.

  With unwavering determination, The Three Goddesses engaged in a fierce and relentless battle against Bellerophon. Through their combined might and indomitable spirit, they managed to triumph over this ancient menace, bringing an end to the cataclysmic era that had lasted for a millennium.

  As the world transitioned into the Era of Gods following the demise of Bellerophon, the Three Goddesses took on a significant role as global peacekeepers. Their mission was to ensure that no single power would rise to dominate the world, preventing the resurgence of chaos and tyranny that had plagued the past. Their watchful eyes and intervention kept the balance intact, allowing civilizations to flourish and prosper.

  During the tumultuous times of the Great God War, The Three Goddesses were at the forefront, leading the charge against forces seeking to plunge the world into further devastation. Their leadership rallied millions to their cause, facing off against formidable adversaries like Babel- God of War, Ur Yu - Lord of the Dao, and Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God, all in an effort to safeguard the world from falling into darkness once again.

  When Khaine- God of Murder sought to unleash chaos and destruction upon the world, The Three Goddesses stood strong against his malevolent intent. Their battle against Khaine was fierce and unyielding, culminating in his eventual defeat and his imprisonment within his own sword, thereby saving countless lives from his wrath.

  The final chapter in The Three Goddesses's legacy came with the rise of Dugares- God of the Mind, a being seeking to reset time and gain ultimate power. Recognizing the dire consequences of his actions, The Three Goddesses engaged in a brutal battle to prevent his destructive ambitions. They had spent 9000 years keeping the peace, the last of their power spent on this battle. After defeating and sealing Dugares, they would vanish to never be seen again and with their vanishment the Era of the Gods would come to an end and the beginning of the Mortal Era


The Three Goddesses


Towards Hestia - The Bringer of Light


Hestia - The Bringer of Light


Towards The Three Goddesses


Divine Classification
New God
Lawful Neutral(left), Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Keepers of Peace
Beacons of Light and Order
Order Goddesses
Peacekeeping Goddesses
The Heavenly Peacekeepers
Enders of Night
Rainers of Anew
Slayers of the Malevolence
The Great Bestowers
Vanquishers of Time
Slayers of the Widowmaker
The Trinty Goddesses
Quenchers of the Flames
Defenders of Time
Currently Held Titles
1000 AC 10000 AC 9000 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Created by Hestia with the light of Holactie
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Red(left), Green(center), Blue(right)
Long flowing hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned(left) and pale White

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