Oros The Great Betrayal
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The Great Betrayal



Solomon is killed

In a major battle between Asophiel's forces and Solomon's forces they battle each other in a brutal battle that lasted years. Unlike with Bellerophon where Solomon had beaten him effortlessly, Solomon couldn't do the same with Asophiel. This is because Solomon had to expend a lot of power to stay on the mortal plane and he had had been doing it for soo long that it had weaken him. As Solomon retreated from his duel with Asophiel to recuperate his trusted servant came to help him. The Trusted ally would stab Solomon in the back with a powerful dagger.   As the trusted ally of Solomon revealed himself to be Cálecelos in disguise, a sense of betrayal filled Solomon's heart. He understood that Cálecelos had orchestrated his demise, taking advantage of his weakened state to strike a fatal blow. In his final moments, as the blade pierced his body, Solomon called out the name of his betrayer in a rage-filled cry.   The repercussions of Solomon's death were catastrophic. A massive explosion erupted from his dying body, sending shockwaves throughout the world. The sky turned dark, as if mourning the loss of the powerful primordial god. The once vibrant plant life withered, unable to sustain itself in the absence of Solomon's life-giving presence. The land itself quaked, trembling under the weight of the cataclysmic event that had been unleashed.   Volcanoes erupted, spewing forth molten lava and covering the landscape in a fiery cascade. The world was plunged into chaos as the Cataclysm began, marking a turning point in the history of the realm. The Celestial War, which had raged for so long, came to a tumultuous end with the death of Solomon and the subsequent destruction unleashed upon the world.

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