Oros The Battle for the Dark Fortress of Delagrad
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The Battle for the Dark Fortress of Delagrad

Military: War


Asophiel's growing resentment and the greatness of the humans

Asophiel, burdened by the lingering words of Tiamat and growing frustration with Archlord Kristya's absence from the battles, found himself questioning the intentions of Holactie and the ultimate purpose of the war. Archlord Kristya's frequent summonings by Holactie during crucial moments further fueled Asophiel's doubts. Asophiel was entrusted with the role of supreme commander in Kristya's absence, and this responsibility allowed him to witness the unique characteristics of the humans firsthand.   During the Battle for the Dark Fortress of Delagrad, Archlord Kristya initially led the assault but was called away due to Holactie's summons, leaving Asophiel in charge. Determined to capture the fortress by any means necessary, Asophiel made the bold decision to deploy the defective humans as the main force. These flawed creations of Solomon charged fearlessly toward the fortress, displaying unwavering dedication and sacrificing their lives without hesitation. Millions of humans fell in their relentless assault, yet they pressed on, driven by an unparalleled tenacity.   Asophiel marveled at the humans' ability to commit to their tasks with unwavering vigor and determination. Unlike the elves, lizardfolk, and dwarves, who questioned their superiors and were often critical of their decisions, the humans obeyed without question and regarded the celestials as gods. They became the perfect pawns, willing to carry out any command and serve their celestial lords. The humans' resilience and willingness to sacrifice inspired Asophiel, piquing his interest in them as a valuable asset in the war.   The humans' display of strength and resilience, exemplified by their climb up the fortress walls without the aid of ladders or siege towers, impressed Asophiel greatly. Recognizing their potential, he employed the humans in subsequent exploits, leveraging their unique qualities to further the light forces' cause. Their unwavering loyalty and determination made them valuable assets in battle, and Asophiel saw them as a means to achieve victory in the war against the darkness.

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