Oros The Rise of Tyrifin
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The Rise of Tyrifin

Life, Achievement/ Win


The Young Life and Rise to Renowned Hero of the Last King of Aneria

The Kingdom of Aneria has had several kings the number lost even to the elves. But the last king is unforgettable. Before the Cataclysm, races such as the elves and lizardfolk were immortal due to the power of Solomon. Some Elves when they lived for soo long would chose to end their life to pass on the mantle to their heir, and the same applied to the kings of Aneria. King Davalos was the king before Tyrifin and was king for over 70000 years. Tyrifin was born around 560 years before the end of Davalos's reign. The elves at this point were quite lazy as they had immortality and no major conflict. But they were content with this but that didn't stop some to lack. The young Tyrifin was a prodigy among his kin. He excelled at reading and writing at the age of 3, he was able to speak elegantly by 4 years old and was able to attend parties and converse with the much older elves. But he would face his first challenge at 6 years old for when he dabbled in sword art. Due to the peaceful lives the elves lived for millions of years they had very little need for any weaponry and it was seen as crude and unbecoming for those that weren't rangers to even hold a weapon. But a new trend among the youngsters(elves 300 and younger) was to perform the art to showcase their mesmerizing dancing. Tyrifin became interested in this and much to the dismay of others, he excelled in it too. He became fascinated with the art and would dedicate more time in the art more so than the creators of the art. For about 150 years Tyrifin devoted his body and soul to perfecting the art. Those that watched his dance were completely in trance at his elegant way with the sword. Just by his fame alone he would become the symbol of the sword art practicers. But by the majority of elven society he was looked down upon for wasting his time with a sword in this world of no fighting. Tyrifin soon decided that he would dabble in the politics of Elven society and he found it extremely difficult to obtain a standing with the reputation he had acquired.

Sometimes hostile creatures like bears and wolfs would wander into the shadow realm and come out as shadow beasts. These beasts were difficult to kill and required dozens of rangers to take them down. 160 years into his political life, a large amount of beasts would wander into the shadow realm and out emerged a large stampede of shadow beasts. They numbered in the tens of thousands. They unleashed havoc upon the uncoordinated elves. Due to the lack of combat focus of the elves there weren't enough rangers to take on this many shadow beasts. They were completely unable to defend against them, this led to mass amount of death and destruction upon the elven kingdom. King Davalos and the higher ups had no idea on how to combat this threat. But they had to do something. Dozens of young elves were brought up as rangers to fight the shadow elves and were unable to even put a dent on their numbers. But because of the low birth rate, this was taking a heavy toll on the elves. Unrest ensued as the young elves were being sent to their deaths. In the midst of the struggle, Tyrifin who was often overlooked in most political affairs was now the leader of the Pillar of the blade society which were the faction of sword art users. Tyrifin offered his service to the kingdom but was refused the first time as they didn't want to increase the popularity of his faction. But after the rangers massacre, they accepted his service upon his second request and on the condition he bring a limited amount of men(to try and have him fail so he can be seen as a failure and replaced and the end of his faction). Tyrifin would lead the defense of a makeshift fort. He had 15 men accompany him. They defended the makeshift fort for 7 weeks and managed to kill 6,168 shadow beasts without a single casualty. For 7 weeks straight Tyrifin fought with no rest, he spent every second swinging his blade to ensure his men could rest. After the final blow his men cheered, but Tyrifin did not, he simple walked away, he walked to the capital, hundreds of miles away. He marched all the way to the council room and then passed out.

With this Magnanimous feat, Tyrifin and the society were fully recognized by elven society. The king and the council would elevate their position and put Tyrifin in charge of the Shadow beasts. He trained the elves, lead them, and inspired them. It took 98 years to defeat the shadow beasts. But after, every young elf was experienced in sword art and Tyrifin was revered and worshipped nearly as much as Lord Solomon himself. After these events the king and the council lost favor. They would only stay for a few centuries before turning over the kingdom to the more popular Tyrifin. King Tyrifin was not only a exceptional fighter and commander but also a brilliant leader, he would lead a great prosperous time for the elves. But Tyrifin would only be king for about 2000 years before the birth of the orcs.

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