Primoria Geographic Location in Oros | World Anvil
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Primoria, the ancient supercontinent, was a vast and diverse landmass that spanned across the world before the cataclysm reshaped the face of the planet. It was a realm of awe-inspiring landscapes and varied ecosystems, characterized by its sheer size and geographical wonders. Mountains soared into the sky, piercing the clouds and standing as sentinels of the continent. Deep valleys and canyons carved their way through the rugged terrain, creating dramatic vistas and natural barriers. Mighty rivers snaked across the land, nourishing lush forests, expansive grasslands, and vibrant wetlands.   Primoria was a tapestry of climates and biomes, ranging from arid deserts to humid rainforests, from frozen tundras to sprawling savannahs. Its shores were adorned with stunning coastlines, adorned with sandy beaches, rocky cliffs, and majestic sea cliffs. Ancient forests blanketed vast stretches, harboring diverse flora and providing sanctuary to numerous creatures.   The supercontinent was a sanctuary for a multitude of life forms, with diverse species of animals, plants, and sentient beings inhabiting its vast expanse. Lizardfolk and the Primordial Elves thrived in the marshy lowlands, adapting to the varied environments and becoming skilled hunters and gatherers. Mighty beasts roamed the plains, while winged creatures soared through the skies, adding an air of majesty to the untamed wilderness.   Primoria was a land of exploration and discovery, with uncharted territories and hidden wonders waiting to be unveiled. Its ancient ruins and mystical landmarks hinted at a rich history and a profound connection to the forces of nature. It was a world of both beauty and danger, where untamed wilderness and civilization coexisted, and the balance of life teetered on a delicate edge.   However, the cataclysm would ultimately shatter the unity of Primoria, scattering its fragments and reshaping the continents. The remnants of this once-grand supercontinent would become scattered across the world, forever altering the course of history and the fate of its inhabitants.
Alternative Name(s)
The Old Continent, The Ancient Land
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

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