Primordial Elf Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Primordial Elf

The Primordial Elves, an extraordinary and ancient race, graced the world of Oros as the second intelligent species. They were beings of ethereal beauty and grace, imbued with immortality by Solomon which allowed them to witness the passing of ages and the ebb and flow of the lands. These elves possessed an otherworldly allure, with luminous, ageless features that reflected the wisdom and serenity acquired over countless centuries. Their slender, lithe forms were adorned with intricate patterns, reminiscent of intricate filigree, that shimmered with a soft, iridescent glow. Eyes of vibrant hues, reflecting the vast range of colors found in nature, sparkled with a timeless wisdom.   Bound by the gift of immortality, the Primordial Elves experienced life through a lens that surpassed mortal understanding. They possessed an inherent connection to the mystical energies of Oros, drawing upon the ever-present wellspring of life that flowed through the world. This allowed them to manifest incredible feats of power.   Living in harmony with the natural world, the Primordial Elves had a deep affinity for the land and its inhabitants. They held a profound respect for the intricate balance of ecosystems and nurtured a spiritual bond with the flora and fauna that thrived around them. In turn, nature responded to their presence, flourishing under their care and guidance.   The Primordial Elves fostered a society guided by wisdom, artistry, and introspection. They devoted themselves to the pursuit of knowledge, delving into the mysteries of the world and uncovering the secrets of land. Their cities were architectural marvels, blending seamlessly with the enchanting landscapes and showcasing their mastery of harmonious design.   Within their communities, the Primordial Elves cultivated an atmosphere of contemplation and artistic expression. They excelled in various forms of creative arts, crafting intricate sculptures, captivating music, and intricate tapestries that wove together the stories of their people and the wonders of the natural world.   Despite their immortality, the Primordial Elves cherished the cycles of life and celebrated the fleeting beauty found in each passing moment. They reveled in the changing seasons, the dance of starlight, and the delicate bloom of flowers, understanding that even the most enduring beings must eventually succumb to the flow of time.   Tragically, the cataclysm that shattered the supercontinent of Primoria brought about their decline. The tremendous upheaval disrupted the harmony they had maintained for countless ages, causing upheaval, devastation, and the eventual extinction of their once-immortal race. Their memories and legacy became etched in the annals of Oros, a poignant reminder of a civilization that embodied the eternal spirit of the world.

Basic Information


Primordial Elves maintain a standard humanoid appearance with two arms and legs, a head, and a torso. The only physical trait that would set them apart would be their very long ears.

Genetics and Reproduction

Primordial Elves reproduce via sexual intercourse. They cannot have twins or more. Pregnancy lasts atleast 5 years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Adulthood is at 310 years old

Ecology and Habitats

They feel most at home around green, warm nature such as forests and meadows. Here they will treat nature as its own sentient entity, granting it respect and reverence.

Dietary Needs and Habits

An elven diet is notoriously light, often fish for meat and berries, nuts, or other fruit and vegetables. elven wine is often a tasty, fruity beverage that, while containing alcohol, is meant more for consumption and not simply intoxication.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Primordial Elves are extremely intelligent, having a endless lifespan to better hail knowledge from their experiences. This manifests not only in their designs and architecture, but their clear propensity towards all matters of things.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Compared to humans, Primordial Elves have all their senses heightened.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Elven names are often meant to sound melodic and can sometimes be complex. Surnames are meant to act as a second verse to the 'song' that is a name. It is a good surname if it flows smoothly from the first name. A family intent on having children and passing down their surname will often fashion the child's first name to compliment their last. These last names can be chosen upon marriage, or many will take the woman's surname assuming it fits their own.   Male: Turandyr, Mallanas, Evelaindil   Female: Selarania, Kyvaria, Delarianna   Surname: Elysiannadel, Onnatelaste, Ciallalah

Common Taboos

It is generally frowned upon to desecrate nature in some fashion.

Historical Figures

King Tyrifin

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Primordial Elves see Orcs as their corrupted brothers and sisters and see them with pity, but this would eventually turn into hatred for their destructive ways and the pillaging of the land and the desire to cleanse the lands of them.
Primordial Elves see the Dark Elves as evil creatures that are no different than the Orcs and must be cleansed.
Primordial Elves see the Lizardfolk as the supreme guardians of the land and look up to them in their veneration of nature. But they dislike their hands-off ways and neutral stance when trouble brews.
Primordial Elves see all the other races created by Solomon positively because of their devotion to their lord.
Scientific Name
Homo Primo Luculenus
Average Physique
Thin and lithe. It is possible for elves to 'body build' and gain show muscles, but that will only fit to their tall forms and not create a 'stout' elf. This sets them at a disadvantage to other races, as their bodies are clearly not made to take much punishment, nor to consume anything particularly taxing such as heavy ales or poisons.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin is soo perfect that it cannot be tanned and is pale white
Geographic Distribution
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