Oros The Great God War
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The Great God War

Military: War


Babel Starts a great god war

The Great God War, initiated by Babel, unleashed a cataclysmic conflict that spanned continents and pitted gods, immortals, and mortals against each other. This war sought to fulfill Babel's insatiable hunger for conflict and power, as he sought to overcome the peacekeeping efforts of the Three Goddesses.   Under Babel's banner, gods from various alignments and mortals alike flocked to join the cause, driven by their own ambitions and desires. The forces aligned with Babel were a motley collection of evil, good, and neutral entities, all united in their shared pursuit of the chaos and glory that war brings.   Meanwhile, the Three Goddesses, recognizing the threat posed by Babel's war, marshaled their own forces to oppose him. They understood the importance of maintaining balance and preventing one nation or entity from becoming too dominant and disrupting the delicate equilibrium of the world.

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