Babel- God of War Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Babel- God of War


"The sword, the shield, the chains, the flames, these are the instruments of war!" -Babel, God of War
Babel, also known as the "Brass God", the "Lord of Shackles", the "Lord of Skulls", "Hunter of Souls", "the Hound", and the "Godslayer" is the New God of war, hatred, wrath, rage, conquest, strength, courage, glory and martial honour.

Babel is the most violent and destructive of the new gods. He represents unrestrained aggression, mindless frenzy, and bloodshed on the battlefield. His lust for blood is unquenchable, and he is forever goading his followers to take up arms and murder in his name. Babel's anger and violence is an unbridled force that targets both friends and foes alike. He watches scenes of barbarism and slaughter with delight, and it is said he sounds his horn across the world to incite further frenzy. During times of utter destruction and murder.

Babel, the God of War, stands as a towering figure in the annals of the world's history, a force synonymous with conflict and chaos. His influence, like a tempest, left an indelible mark on the realms.

In appearance, Babel is an imposing figure, radiating an aura of both strength and ferocity. Battle scars adorned his rugged exterior, testaments to the countless clashes he has orchestrated. His eyes hold a fierce intensity, mirroring his insatiable thirst for war and the pursuit of unbridled power.

  Babel's nature is a turbulent sea of aggression and dominance. He revels in the chaos of battle, finding in its tumult the means to fuel his insatiable appetite for strength. The God of War in his unquenchable thirst for war and conflict, ignited the Great God War, a conflict he orchestrated to shatter the world's peace and complacency and endlessly fuel his power with never ending global carnage.   On the battlefield, Babel is a commanding presence, inspiring his followers and striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. His mastery over the art of war is unparalleled, and he wields a vast array of destructive powers, from manipulating weapons to invoking devastating war-related magic.   The legacy of Babel is one of destruction and upheaval. The Great God War he initiated led to the fall of empires, kingdoms, gods, immortals, and mortals alike, reshaping the course of history in its wake. His relentless pursuit of war became a cautionary tale, leaving scars on the world that persisted for generations.   The climax of Babel's reign came in a final confrontation against Sieghardt- God Emperor, the mortal champion who stood against his forces. The Battle of Storm's Hold, a cataclysmic clash between the God of War and Sieghardt, shook the heavens. Despite Babel's immense power, he succumbed to the mighty blows of Sieghardt, bringing an end to his chaotic reign. The legendary god of war would take the life of the Mortal God with him.   Even in death, Babel's name lingers as a haunting reminder of the destructive potential of unchecked ambition and the horrors of war. His legacy continues to influence the world, shaping the beliefs and actions of those who dared to seek power at any cost.

Divine Domains

The divine domain of Babel is war, hatred, wrath, rage, conquest, strength, courage, glory and martial honour.         
Babel is said to exalt the brave of both sides of a battle, while at the same time laying his terrible vengeance upon the cowardly and craven. According to the warrior-code of his devotees, it is the solemn right of every warrior to die an honourable death in battle, with sword and axe in hand.        
A man that has put his faith in Babel, however, is just as likely to be a blood-crazed killer as he is an honourable warrior, and oftentimes he will be both at the same time. Babel, like all the New Gods, has two sides, for he is the embodiment of martial honour and courage, said to smile upon all feats of valour, strength, and blood-drenched warrior skill. Yet Babel is also the divine patron of proud warriors who set themselves against the odds and emerge triumphant through the display of savagery, murderous wrath and unending bloodlust.


Shackles of War
Hair of Babel(holds the souls of all those slain by the war god's fury)
Blades of War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbol of babel is a babteron helm and or a wolf.

The animal that represents Babel is the wolf.

Tenets of Faith

Babel demands that his followers shed blood and take lives whenever the opportunity arises. While the majority of his devotees are warriors, anyone willing to kill without hesitation can attract the favor of this harbinger of unrest. Babel doesn't designate specific holy days, yet his followers occasionally commemorate the anniversaries of exceptionally violent battles.
The greatest prayers are the sounds of splashing blood and crushing bones.
It is never wrong to kill a servant of Babel, but if done, celebrate the glory that is inherent to the Bloodwolf.
It is fitting to take trophies of the fallen, and those who adorn themselves with the skulls of their foes and drink the blood of their enemies shall find favour with the Lord of Skulls.
Mercy is for the weak. Spare no enemy lest you be found wanting by the Brass God.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Babel is known by a thousand, thousand names in all the lands.

Babel, the God of War, strides across the annals of history as a relentless force, leaving a trail of conflict and chaos in his wake. His resplendent, glowing hair, an eerie luminescence that bears the souls of those felled by his hand, serves as a haunting testament to the countless lives extinguished in his name. On the battlefield, where steel clashes and cries echo, the ethereal wails of the fallen accompany Babel like a spectral symphony, striking terror into the hearts of those who dare stand against him.

Throughout the ages, Babel has been a perennial participant in the grandeur of warfare, a master of the art of bloodshed. His divine essence resonates with the carnage he orchestrates, and his presence in countless battles has elevated him to legendary status. Whether it be the clash of swords, the thundering roar of cannons, or the whispering arrows of an archer, Babel is intimately acquainted with the symphony of war, wielding its cacophony as a source of strength.   Babel's prowess in battle extends beyond the mastery of a single weapon. He is a polymath of warfare, adapting seamlessly to any instrument of death that crosses his path. From the elegant dance of a sword to the thunderous percussion of warhammers, the God of War wields each with unparalleled skill. His battlefield finesse extends to the strategic realm, where he plays the game of war like a grandmaster, orchestrating moves that lead to the blood-soaked crescendo of conflict.   In the hallowed halls of history, Babel's name is etched in blood and carved in the scars of nations. His story, a chronicle of unyielding conquests and cataclysmic clashes, reverberates through the ages. For those who meet him on the battlefield, the luminescence of his hair serves as both an omen and a macabre trophy, an embodiment of the souls silenced by the relentless march of war led by the indomitable God of War, Babel.
Symbol of Babel
Divine Classification
New God
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Hound
Lord of Shackles
Nethkhar(Infernal & Celestial)
Lord of Rage
Hunter of Souls
Lord of All Arms
Brass God
God of Blades
Lord of Skulls
Bringer of Carnage
Scourge of Peace
Crimson Conqueror
Lord of Chaos
Currently Held Titles
Year of Death
2000 AC
Circumstances of Death
Slain by the god-emperor
Long flowing hair full of souls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rugged, Scarred, fiery

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