Oros Sieghardt the God-Emperor
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Sieghardt the God-Emperor



The God Emperor is Born

The Three Goddess, Babel and Ur Yu were all losing against the might of Nebuchadnezzar's endless undead army. Realizing the true threat of Nebuchadnezzar, Ur Yu and the three goddess formed an alliance to defeat the undead. Babel cared not if he was winning or losing and simply enjoyed war.   The three goddess grew desperate to turn the tide back in their favor. They tried everything they could thing of and none of it worked. They knew that defeating Nebuchadnezzar was the key to victory but he was untouchable. Thus the three goddess in their most dire of times started to think outside the box and do something much more radical.   In the east of the continent Vlunia were many human tribes that were not in the great god war, these tribes fought each other for dominance, but more then that were terrorized by orcs, goblins, giants, dark elves and most of all by the overlord of the orcs Gluk Blood- Axe. Gluk was invading these tribes in order to expand his empire. One of these human tribes was the Theodoric Tribe lead by Wichimann Theodoricing. Some of the tribes would band together and take the fight to Gluk. Wichimann brought his sons and all the men of his tribe to defeat the orcs. His first born son by the name of Sieghardt Theodoricing joined him in this fight. The ensuing fight saw the humans beaten brutally and with no hope of victory. Sieghardt would be the last man remaining but he would fight and fight, he would fight for hours alone holding off the hoards of orcs that came his way. He was determined to fight as long as he could. But he would finally tire and just before the finally blow was struck, a divine light appear on Sieghardt. The three goddess were watching this brave warrior fight despite the odds and chose Sieghardt as their champion. They along with some other gods bestowed Sieghardt with their blessings, granting him divine power. Along with that they granted him the mighty god hammer Ghal Maraz . With his new powers Sieghardt would single-handily decimate the orcish forces. The tribes knew of their warriors defeat and awaited for the orcs to come. But they never did, only Sieghardt. His unharmed body drenched in orcish blood. He would tell of his divine gift and pressed for avenging his father and his kin. Sieghardt would begin his quest to unite the tribes under one banner in order to defeat Gluk Blood-Axe.

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