Oros The End of the Dead
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The End of the Dead

Military: Battle


Nebuchadnezzar is slain

Sieghardt, wielding the mighty Ghal Maraz, faced Nebuchadnezzar and his endless undead army in a climactic battle. The power of Ghal Maraz proved to be a formidable weapon against the undead, preventing their resurrection and striking them down with great force. Sieghardt's unmatched fury and determination turned the tide of the battle, pushing back the hordes of undead that had wrought desolation across the land.   For several decades, Sieghardt led the charge against the undead armies, relentlessly pursuing them and cutting them down wherever they roamed. His courage and skill inspired the forces of the Three Goddess, who fought alongside him, to rise up and join the fray with renewed hope and vigor.   Finally, the moment arrived when Sieghardt would face Nebuchadnezzar himself. The duel between the two warriors took place at the gates of Paderhorn, a pivotal battleground in the war. With the weight of his people's hopes and the power of Ghal Maraz behind him, Sieghardt fought with unwavering determination.   In an epic clash of strength and will, Sieghardt emerged victorious, striking down Nebuchadnezzar in single combat. The defeat of the undead king was a turning point in the Great God War, as it shifted the focus back to the main enemy, Babel.   With Nebuchadnezzar defeated and the undead weakened and without their master, the forces of the Three Goddess, led by Sieghardt, turned their attention toward Babel. The great war continued, but now with renewed determination and a glimmer of hope.

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