Oros Eternal Slumber
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Eternal Slumber



Ib the Fairy Goddess seals the Fairy Realm and falls into Eternal Slumber

During the time of silence, the Fairy Realm fell into the clutches of the Dark Fairies, led by their ruler Ib. The true Fairies, including Ib herself, waged a relentless and prolonged battle to reclaim their homeland. For centuries, they fought with unwavering determination, striving to drive out the darkness and restore their realm to its former glory.   Finally, Ib emerged victorious, successfully retaking the Fairy Realm from the Dark Fairies. However, the corruption and taint left behind by the dark forces posed a significant challenge for Ib. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, she made the decision to seal off the Fairy Realm from the outside world. No one could enter or leave, ensuring the safety and protection of her people.   After closing off the Fairy Realm, Ib isolated herself from others, withdrawing into seclusion. She dedicated herself to the arduous task of cleansing the realm, expunging the remnants of corruption and restoring its natural purity. The immense effort required to accomplish this drained Ib of all her powers, causing her to enter an eternal slumber.   Now, at the heart of the Fairy Realm, Ib rests in her perpetual sleep, surrounded by her people. The closure of the Fairy Realm ensures that no harm can befall the Fairies anymore, as they find solace and security within their secluded domain.   With Ib's sacrifice and the safeguarding of the Fairy Realm, the Fairies can now flourish and thrive in a realm free from the threat of darkness. Their slumbering queen serves as a symbol of their resilience and enduring spirit, reminding all who encounter the Fairy Realm of the price paid for their continued peace and protection.

Related Location
Fairy Realm
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