Fairy Realm Geographic Location in Oros | World Anvil
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Fairy Realm

The Fairy Realm, created by the Original Fey under the guidance of Holactie - The Creator of Light , holds an air of mystique and enchantment. Its origins trace back to a time before the birth of magic, yet it possesses a potent magical essence akin to the very nature of magic itself. It stands as a testament to the intricate craftsmanship and boundless creativity of its creators.   Nestled within the fabric of reality, the Fairy Realm serves as the ethereal abode for the Fairies, a race of beings led by their queen and goddess, Ib- Fairy Goddess . Its landscape is a realm of wonder and beauty, where vibrant flora and fauna coexist in harmony, bathed in the soft glow of eternal twilight. The air is filled with delicate whispers and the gentle hum of magical energies that permeate every inch of the realm.   During the tumultuous era of the Celestial War, the Fairy Realm faced grave peril as Bellerophon , invaded its borders. The realm was left abandoned and desolate, its magical essence fading as darkness took hold. It was then that the Dark Fairies, drawn to the corrupted energies, claimed the realm as their own, twisting its once serene beauty into a haunting reflection of their malevolence.   In a valiant struggle spanning countless centuries, Ib, the Fairy Goddess and Queen, led her people in a relentless battle against the Dark Fairies. Their determination and unwavering resolve fueled their quest to reclaim their ancestral home. Finally, through sheer will and sacrifice, Ib emerged victorious, wresting control of the Fairy Realm from the clutches of darkness.   With the realm reclaimed, Ib summoned the very essence of light and purity, channeling her godly power to cleanse the Fairy Realm of its tainted influences. She poured her divine energy into every nook and cranny, banishing the darkness and restoring the realm to its former splendor. Yet, to protect the realm from further harm and to safeguard its sanctity, Ib invoked a powerful seal, rendering the Fairy Realm inaccessible to all beings, even the gods themselves.   To this day, the exact location of the Fairy Realm remains a mystery, hidden from mortal eyes and even the divine gaze of the gods. It exists as an enigma, an ethereal sanctuary untouched by the passage of time. Only those touched by the Fairy Queen's grace and guided by destiny may ever hope to glimpse its breathtaking landscapes and experience the timeless magic that resides within its sealed boundaries.
Dimensional plane

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